I'm confused


Staff member
Does this have anything to do with the phrase under my username? 1:45


woooo! title!! :D

Elanor Rigby
Dies in the church
And was buried along with her name
Nobody came
Father McKenzie
Wiping the dirt from his hands
As he walks from the grave
No one was saved

All the lonely people
Where do they all come from
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong

Silvox Black

Well-known member
I don't suppose it would be at all in the least bit possible to give me a title of some sort? Apparently since I have no free choice in the manner of the title, I could come to regret this choice if it comes to pass...
I like mine, I got crazy excited when I logged on a couple days ago and noticed I had one! And it's perfect too, lol, I looooooove Lord of the Rings :)

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Hm, the bungled and the botched eh? I can live with that. I suppose I am a rather botched creation/evolution attempt anyhow.


Well try to figure mine out? It's a bit weird don't ya think?:rolleyes:

i have no idea:confused:. but when my one was "moderator,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,not"
remus said it was from the last line from an mc hammer song "you cant touch this"
i think what he meant by that, was that he could wake up knowing that i hadnt changed my title :D
i have no idea:confused:. but when my one was "moderator,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,not"
remus said it was from the last line from an mc hammer song "you cant touch this"
i think what he meant by that, was that he could wake up knowing that i hadnt changed my title :D

Your current title is from the MC Hammer song "You Can't Touch This" ::p:


Staff member
Hm, the bungled and the botched eh? I can live with that. I suppose I am a rather botched creation/evolution attempt anyhow.

ahhh, it is from this:

Jack Lucas from “The Fisher King” said:
“Nietzsche says there are two kinds of people in the world. People who are destined for greatness, like Walt Disney and Hitler. And then there’s the rest of us.

“He called us ‘the bungled and the botched.’ We get teased. We sometimes get close to greatness, but we never get there. We’re the expendable masses. We get pushed in front of trains, take poison aspirin, get gunned down in Dairy Queens.”