Plenty of fish? LOL
I went there once just to check it out, and I got scared. I mean... no one there would like me. They all seem so outgoing, with no problems, etc. I remember reading an introduction where a girl said something like "I don't want any losers with no job, or who live with their parents, or who have no friends, or... "
I need to fix my life and myself first before I even try to meet a girl.
You're not a loser though, you have social phobia. Unemployment, lack of friends, and an inability to live on your own are just psudo-symptoms or whatever of the disorder.
Real losers live with their parents and don't have jobs because they're slackass leeches who don't mind burdening and taking advantage of those closest to them. Most girls complaining about losers are probably thinking of an ex who fell into
that category.
I do agree that you need to fix your life before seriously trying to find a lady, though. But do it by trying to be less hard on yourself and finding realistic ways of gradually improving your situation.
And by the way, Plenty of Fish
SUCKS. I have a few non-SA friends who use it all the time, and they meet nothing but psychopaths on there.
No one wants to parade their problems when they are trying to find someone. THat comes later in the relationship.
Ha Ha Ha... That's funny, and true.