I just signed up for a bachelor audition! What do I do?


New member
I finally conquered my fear today by signing up for a bachelor audition.
What should I do? I don't even know why I'm asking because it's pretty self explanatory but I don't know what to do during the date.


Well-known member
You mean like the show the bachelor ? Or is it some sort of speed dating club?
Oh and don't worry just be yourself during the date. All should work out, the trick is don't over think and tell yourself you have to impress somebody. They should just like you for you.
A bachelor audition? Not really sure what that means.
I am a bachelor and I never auditioned for it.

So confused me thinks


Well-known member
I think a bachelor auction is where men come out on stage and women in the audience bid on him to date. Same with a bachelorette auction, except vice versa.

During the date, let her do most of the talking. Ask her what she likes. She will be happy that you're a good listener, but make sure you talk a bit, too. She has paid for you, don't forget. ;) You'll be fine.


Well-known member
I think a bachelor auction is where men come out on stage and women in the audience bid on him to date. Same with a bachelorette auction, except vice versa.

Never knew such things existed.Even the idea sounds terrifying!


Well-known member
I think a bachelor auction is where men come out on stage and women in the audience bid on him to date. Same with a bachelorette auction, except vice versa.

He said audition. Maybe he meant auction? Or maybe it's the same thing? I think we're all very confused. I first thought it had something to do with the TV show, but that doesn't seem right.:confused:


Well-known member
There's a episode of the simpsons where they do this, I think barney, moe and the sea captain walk out onto a stage and talk about themselves...it doesn't go well for them ;)


Well-known member
he said audition not auction lol, I think he means the bachelorette TV show? At least that's the one coming up. Or maybe some local thing? Either way that's going be really good for you, congrats


Well-known member
Well, there you do. He did say "audition." Reading comprehension fail for me.

There's a episode of the simpsons where they do this, I think barney, moe and the sea captain walk out onto a stage and talk about themselves...it doesn't go well for them ;)
Yeah, they go into the "rejects" section.

Our next bachelor likes it when women take off their clothes for money! Give it up for Moe Syzlack!


Well-known member
Have you ever watched the show Flavor Flav or I love New York.. I thinks the name?
Well it's pretty social and invokes even questions about past dating..like perhaps what you like and don't like and maybe crazy experiences that you've had.. :) Have you ever dated before?
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Well-known member
I think he means auditioning to go on "The Bachelor" on ABC. I want to do the same thing but I'm not sure if they take people from Edmonton.

All I have to say is good luck and be yourself. I think what they look for on the show is something unique or contraversial about your personality that will make others want to watch the show.