Agreed 100% I think most of us guys on here are not virgins because we're "waiting for someone special".
Oh gosh, it's a social anxiety site, so we kinda understand that THAT's at least part of the problem. And that many people here may have some social skills deficits, to say mildly. But huh??
Maybe it's true about some/many/most guys here, but I HOPE not for everyone!! And it's definitely not true for (at least some) girls. Like others have said, if you are reasonably attractive/good-looking (which most people here are) and well-groomed, there are A LOT of chances for meaningless sex everywhere, yikes!! (Websites, drunken parties/clubs/late night bars etc yikes...)
I personally don't attach any importance to the first time and don't care too much who it's with.
Hm, since girls like to feel
special maybe that's at least part of your problem too??
You're thinking about some random understanding girl - where do they make those and in which shop do they sell them?? Yikes!! Such chauvinistic view, sorry!!
Partly it's good that you don't put too much pressure on yourself about this. But partly - huh, seriously?? You don't care if she's a bitch with stds or nasty relatives who would beat you up if you mess up with her? (Or drag you to court or make you marry her if she gets pregnant and then continue to borrow money from you and never return it etc?)
/Sorry if this is partly not helpful, but I want you to THINK before you say or think such things?? There are LOTS of people out there and - please have some self-respect??/
I do think that some people are maybe single because of maybe 'too high standards' but it's good to at least have SOME standards!!
If you're just 'after any girl' a girl can sense that - and she's not interested!! (Except if she's drunk at a party and/or trying to get over someone, or just into casual things too, or looking for a 'practice' boy, or a few??)
I'd like to get to know the girl first only for the sake of having someone who understands me so I don't have to be so embarrassed about my obvious inexperience.
So other aspects don't matter? She can have any political views or worldviews, kill puppies in her free time, she just has to be understanding when it comes to sex? huh?
(Or am I missing something?

Many us are more than just sexually inexperienced, we're inexperienced with all aspects of a relationship.
I think that's probably true for many/most people here AND ELSEWHERE!!
A friend of mine who has had MANY boyfriends and was married and divorced and knows how to get men interested etc is one of the most CLUELESS people when it comes to
staying in a relationship. It just doesn't last long - since there are so many divorces worldwide, we're free to assume many other people ARE clueless too!! Even those who had some/much experience as teenagers etc.
Even if the girl was accepting of inexperience, that same inexperience would prevent the relationship from starting in the first place, because we didn't learn how relationships work when we were teenagers like everyone else did.
Yeah, there are SOME things that you can learn by being in a relationship - eg how to communicate or solve conflicts or come to mutual understanding, people are different though, and what one person really liked, another person may not like at all!!
So it's much more important to be understanding and attentive and see what the person likes and you can practice the 'general' skills (like cooking, win-win problemsolving and conflict resolution, communication etc) with friends/co-workers/flatmates/family...
Or yeah, even with a'practice' girl - though it's only fair if she knows she's a 'practice' girl yikes... and agrees you're just a 'practice guy' too... And even then, some guys may end up marrying lol, just because they might see they're a good fit and maybe they're so damn understanding... (things can go from casual to committed, or vice versa...) or if the girl gets pregnant and it may be seen as 'the right thing to do' etc. So yeah, it is a bit important who you get involved with, don't fool yourself it isn't... It may be MORE important for girls because you can end up with a 9-month 'bun in the oven' but guys can be stuck with a lifetime of child support so it's a bit important too...??
Sorry if this is harsh, it's just that some people here may seem to live in 'clouds' and not reality? Sex is not just a 'luxury' or 'privilege', or like 'WIN' in a game, it is also a responsibility! And you need to ask yourself if you and your partner are mature enough to handle any responsibility that might come from it too!!
Do you like that person enough to maybe have a 'Mini-Me' with or hold her hand through abortion (would she and you even be willing to have one, are your views on this the same? Also mind that some women can't have a baby later in life after having abortion...) Could you support a family if you start one? (Yeah some people live on welfare support, are you willing for you and your kids to do that?)
If not, you have some other things to focus on first, like career/work etc.
It's good to GET TO KNOW girls meanwhile, not necessarily to sleep or 'practice' 'house' with, but to make friends, get to know each other... How do you expect girls to like you and be understanding if you don't know them as a person first? Maybe it's good to start looking at girls as 'possible friend (or maybe more) and not just as 'de-virginator' and 'destroyer of single-man-stigma' huh?? But as a human being with interests, opinions, wishes and dreams and
feelings instead.