I hate how much promiscuity is advertised...


Movies like American Pie, American High school. Movies about crazy party girls.

Clubs being advertised as a breeding grounds. Drunken naked party chicks going wild and crazy. People having sex on the dance floor, in the VIP room. In bathrooms. Making out with strangers, fingering. Blowjobs with random strangers.

The more I see these things, the more desperate I get. I'm in college and I've only had sex about 2 times, and never were the type of sex that I really liked.

It makes me so desperate that I can't even develop the kinds of relationships that are supposed to develop "naturally" because it's easy to tell that I want something in particular, or that I want to rush things. Besides that I don't have the charisma of the regular party goer and outdoorsman, simply because I'm at the point where I just haven't gone out too much.

Sure I can go out a lot, but alone would make me have less chances to really find anything worthwhile because people want to see you with social status and experience.

If all I do is go out by myself how will I gain the type of experience that only comes with social status?

I'm sick of all the expectations people have about me.. and society in general.

Especially women. They want a man with Outstanding charisma. A guy with Outstanding confidence and Power. Outstanding everything. If a guy hasn't achieved this YET, why does he have to suffer the fatal loneliness which makes him not even want to keep striving for anything, because it makes everyone look totally superficial?

Im just rambling.
Movies like American Pie, American High school. Movies about crazy party girls. Clubs being advertised as a breeding grounds. Drunken naked party chicks going wild and crazy. People having sex on the dance floor, in the VIP room. In bathrooms. Making out with strangers, fingering. Blowjobs with random strangers.

Yeah, I felt left out enough when I was younger without all this internet porn all over the place. I made the mistake of going to a 'party' school, and accidentally lived in the 'party' neighborhood. Shit, what a mistake that was.

But without the internet, I was pretty sheltered - the first time I saw a um, beaver, was in the movie Basic Instinct - my friend and I (who were like 20 at the time) just turned to each other with our mouths open :eek: Yes there were magazines, but you had to actually go and buy them from someone, and that was just too embarrassing.

Nowadays I wonder what kind of effect it has on kids to be able to see so much porn, so easily. It just can't be good...
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Well-known member
One shouldnt base ones status in life on the subject matter of Hollywood movies...its crap...& over the top crap sells tickets..i dont believe the general population carries on exactly like those movies portray....maybe a few do..but honestly i wouldnt be envious of those people...just concentrate on being a normal original good friendly honest person...someone will like you for that at some point...you dont have to have notches on your bed post to be a desirable person.
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Well-known member
i agree. i'm so sick of promiscuity in media. disgusting. don't worry, not all females are so shallow to buy into media's ridiculous standards. (just how i hope you don't buy into the ridiculous standards media holds women to.)


Well-known member
Movies like American Pie, American High school. Movies about crazy party girls.

Clubs being advertised as a breeding grounds. Drunken naked party chicks going wild and crazy. People having sex on the dance floor, in the VIP room. In bathrooms. Making out with strangers, fingering. Blowjobs with random strangers.

The more I see these things, the more desperate I get. I'm in college and I've only had sex about 2 times, and never were the type of sex that I really liked.

It makes me so desperate that I can't even develop the kinds of relationships that are supposed to develop "naturally" because it's easy to tell that I want something in particular, or that I want to rush things. Besides that I don't have the charisma of the regular party goer and outdoorsman, simply because I'm at the point where I just haven't gone out too much.

Sure I can go out a lot, but alone would make me have less chances to really find anything worthwhile because people want to see you with social status and experience.

If all I do is go out by myself how will I gain the type of experience that only comes with social status?

I'm sick of all the expectations people have about me.. and society in general.

Especially women. They want a man with Outstanding charisma. A guy with Outstanding confidence and Power. Outstanding everything. If a guy hasn't achieved this YET, why does he have to suffer the fatal loneliness which makes him not even want to keep striving for anything, because it makes everyone look totally superficial?

Im just rambling.

I completely agree with you. As a woman, its even worse. The media makes women out to shallow, fashion obsessed creatures that cake themselves with makeup and get plastic surgery to appear beautiful. It's disgusting. I wouldn't let it get to me, except that I think that its becoming ingrained in people's minds. I feel like TV is taking over people's lives, and crap like this is what we're getting for it.


Well-known member
I completely agree with you. As a woman, its even worse. The media makes women out to shallow, fashion obsessed creatures that cake themselves with makeup and get plastic surgery to appear beautiful. It's disgusting. I wouldn't let it get to me, except that I think that its becoming ingrained in people's minds. I feel like TV is taking over people's lives, and crap like this is what we're getting for it.

I rarely watch TV because today it's almost all crap.


Well-known member
I hate the way they always portray women as being bimbo's who care nothing more than getting tanned and doing their nails.


Well-known member
The Girls Gone Wild commercials repulse me. They make it seem like all college chicks are like that, and they aren't. I never did anything like that when I was in college and got drunk.


Well-known member
The Girls Gone Wild commercials repulse me. They make it seem like all college chicks are like that, and they aren't. I never did anything like that when I was in college and got drunk.

that commercial is the worst. puke.


Well-known member
maybe some people don't know what promiscuity is.. maybe those people shouldn't comment on this post..


Well-known member
there is nothing wrong with sex, it has it's innappropriate places though, and remember Girls gone wild, Girls do that themselves, no one holds a gun to their heads. Rathe than being angry at the commercials, you should be angry at the participants, The comercials just show it, while it's the people that "SHOW IT"


Well-known member
there is nothing wrong with sex, it has it's innappropriate places though, and remember Girls gone wild, Girls do that themselves, no one holds a gun to their heads. Rathe than being angry at the commercials, you should be angry at the participants, The comercials just show it, while it's the people that "SHOW IT"

sure the girls show it. they're obviously stupid and hey everyone makes mistakes. that doesn't mean i want to see the obscene, barely censored commercials for it on tv. maybe if i was subscribed to skinemax or something but i'm not.


Well-known member
It's just another sign of western culture getting lazy. Companies could try to actually advertise their products for their strengths and merits, but instead, most just take the easy way out and show a girl in a low cut shirt acting like she wants to **** a pair of jeans or a music player.

It's the same with movies. A writer or director could come up with a plot, well-developed characters, and a message to think about, or they could make all the girls act like they're allergic to shirts. Unfortunately, the latter is what sells tickets because people just want to see something to numb them from all the pestilence and genocide in the news and nothing smothers out the flame of rational thought like boobs.


Well-known member
It's just another sign of western culture getting lazy. Companies could try to actually advertise their products for their strengths and merits, but instead, most just take the easy way out and show a girl in a low cut shirt acting like she wants to **** a pair of jeans or a music player.

It's the same with movies. A writer or director could come up with a plot, well-developed characters, and a message to think about, or they could make all the girls act like they're allergic to shirts. Unfortunately, the latter is what sells tickets because people just want to see something to numb them from all the pestilence and genocide in the news and nothing smothers out the flame of rational thought like boobs.

You just cracked me up. You just gave the perfect punchline to a private joke without even realising! I'm going to steal that line, I love it! Sorry for making no sense but thank you for making me laugh anyway! :D


maybe it's just also that I get the idea that regular monogamous relationships are usually advertised as also not the ideal form of relationship ie that you'd be a fool to be monogamous, when you could be out there doing casual sex, because anyway there's no grantee that your [partner would ever agree with exclusivity because that's human nature, wild and crazy, and uncontrollable.

I think the majority of the media put out is kind of.. well "unenlightened" I guess. And it sells.

not only that with all this media frenzy, I can get the wrong ideas about women and things in general.
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