I hate how much promiscuity is advertised...


Well-known member
there is nothing wrong with sex, it has it's innappropriate places though, and remember Girls gone wild, Girls do that themselves, no one holds a gun to their heads. Rathe than being angry at the commercials, you should be angry at the participants, The comercials just show it, while it's the people that "SHOW IT"

I guess I didn't word my original post right. I am mad at the girls that do that stuff because it gives ignorant guys the idea that all girls are supposed to be that way. When i was in college, nice girls like me were pretty much ignored while party girls who take off their clothes were instantly popular and liked. I think a lot of people are to blame for that.


Well-known member
I think it's ironic that some people in this thread hate the promiscuity in the media today, but secretly yearn to be apart of it (so they can feel loved). If you really hated promiscuity, the media wouldn't hurt your self-image in the slightest bit. You would just shift your attention to finding girls who don't flaunt their sexuality, and trust me, there are millions of girls who share these ideals. Don't blame the media just because you're too lazy and afraid to find them.


I don´t care about promiscuity on TV. I don´t say I like it but I got so used to it because it´s been always around. (Anyway I don´t like to watch much TV let alone commercial programmes). I only take that people are like that and wonder why all of them are so different from me, as if they were some different species.


Well-known member
Std's are on the rise and i know of two guys who have had to have treatment including aids/hiv tests, they only have themselves to blame. I mean if they want to put it about they should atleast use protection!
Have you thought of homeschooling?

I have two young children as well, and I would seriously consider home schooling if it was an option I could afford. If I'm ever able to work from home, I might do that.

But, I also don't think that would completely solve the problem, and you can't shield your kids from everything- in fact I think it's unhealthy to try to do so. Kids need to interact in the greater world to learn social skills, and to learn to be independent and make their own decisions and judgments about things- not just have them copied and pasted onto their brains from their parents. If parents instill the right values into their kids at home, then I think that they will have the ability to make the right judgments and decisions for themselves when they are away from home.


Well-known member
Mainly what makes me feel sick is the amount of it now being targeted towards young girls (under the age of 13). If I ever have a daughter we'll be living miles and miles away from this culture I can tell you that much.

Oh yes some of the things are scary. Like those Bratz dolls. My five year old cousin wanted one for Christmas. I almost had a heart attack in doll isle.