I was relieved at the simplicity of it all, having been worried for years my first experience would be a humiliating disaster. It also wasn't anything like I expected and I was kind of disappointed that every second of it wasn't mind-blowingly awesome as I'd assumed for whatever stupid reason I don't know... and not just disappointed because I couldn't finish, which I knew may have been because we were coming down off MDMA, but finishing would have been nice too. We gave it another go first thing the next morning and I was able to get there but not by way of intercourse. Kind of disappointing is an understatement really. All these years, without even thinking about it, I associated the feeling of an orgasm with the thought of just touching a womans body only to find out that no matter how great she looks, she's human too and skin is just skin and even when she does pleasure me down there it's not that awesome degree of pleasure that for some reason I expected to get during each and every moment of the act. Wasn't even anything bad about the experience, it was more or less my false expectations that killed it. Just to clarify, this was with a girl I felt very strongly for and who I thought (and later knew) felt very strongly for me but the roll MDMA played in our relationship from the very start had me very confused about the feelings I had for her and I was even more lost after this experience. Maybe this is a good reason to keep drugs out of the beginning of a relationship - or your first serious relationship all together - or maybe any relationship at all. Idk, I just know it was a really confusing time for me and I handled it poorly.
I've never actually talked about this with anyone so I feel weird posting it now.