How the **** do I get noticed?


not actually Fiona Apple
Yes, that is part of it VJ. I could be the most famous person on earth, but if people don't act like I am it's a moot point, is it not? So maybe I should reiterate and say it's I want to be treated as a person, not a conversation. As I said in my OP, I feel like I'm only talked to for it's own sake. I feel like a conversation machine. No one asks my opinion, or for my help, or how I'm feeling, or anything else that would make me feel like I matter to them. The best I seem to get from people is a way to pass the time. If that is the truth or not is a mystery to me without any feedback. Does that clear it up?

Okay, I think I understand. To me, it sounds like you want people to care about you as well as be noticed. I could be wrong, but I think when a person asks for your opinion or how your feeling, or gives a **** if you are there or not is sign of caring about you, or at least respecting you. Either that or you're a very unique and people are genuinely curios (I imagined a lady gaga like person when I say unique). They are noticing you as well, but in a specific way.

I'm not anything close to an expert in this, but I would think if you want others to treat you like a person the first step would be treating others like people as well. If you want others to ask how your feeling, ask how they're feeling. Notice other people. I don't think it's usually a one way street. I'm not sure, maybe you already do this. I would also recommend giving them the tools they need to notice you. Tell them your interest when you can, give your opinion when it's not asked so they know it's okay, offer to help so they know you are willing to help. You make the first move, and always be ready to jump on any opportunity. If you find yourself in a group that starts talking about the presidential election, give your two cents. And make it a good two cents, as we all know you are capable of from your posts here.

You can't make people give you feedback though. You may actually matter a lot to people who just don't know how to show it. Communicating with others is a human problem not just exclusive to people with whatever disorder. And people aren't mind readers, so if you want them to treat you a certain way, you need to guide their hand a bit, either in the ways I said above or other ways. Sorry if I missed your point.


Well-known member
Diplomatic= There are people on here like yourself who can explain your situation, your feelings etc in a manner that people respect.

I guessing by your tone that your angry with me- that what I mean by "not being as diplomatic as you"

I'm not angry with you Darryl. The emotions of text has a way of not sounding the same way to the reader as it did the writer. I wanted to know more of your thoughts on it is all, even if you can't be diplomatic.

Okay, I think I understand...etc

Sounds like the way to get noticed is to cure SA. ::p:

Seriously though it sounds like that might be the only way. I'd prefer a shortcut at the present moment though to alleviate the depression from the isolation the SA is causing. I'm not against trying to work to better myself but depression makes it so much harder.


Well-known member
So this thread is basically dead now is it? I can't help but get pissed at such a thing. It's pretty much indicative of how things go in real life as well.


Well-known member
It might have something to do with the forum. I know I am personally afraid of bothering people, or appearing stupid/boring when talking with them....I think ppl with SA are more prone to silences and not knowing what to say and other SA folk take that as rejection.


Well-known member
It might have something to do with the forum. I know I am personally afraid of bothering people, or appearing stupid/boring when talking with them....I think ppl with SA are more prone to silences and not knowing what to say and other SA folk take that as rejection.

I know that's a big part of it. But can't help but feel bad when the forum matches was goes in IRL almost to a tee.


Well-known member
People here are the same as people in real life,most of them,they reward and defend the same kind of persons,I dont know why they keep complaining,they are the same,act the same,the reputation system,I saw some people lacking them,the square was still blue,how they must felt ,as I said once I tried to get in a topic once,because it was being discussed a lot,or so I thought,but then I realised what it was,among many other things I wont say here,because I might get warned.
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Well-known member
As much as I hate to admit it, my IQ is only 87. You'll have to dumb it down for me to understand.

Hey, maybe it's because people can sense I'm not a sharp knife? :confused:

Don't sweat it... My dad always called me a spoon... I guess cause it's a dull tool! :D


im kinda confused in wat ur trying to ask but to the original question, how do you get noticed? i say walk w/ur chin up and get eye contact w/people around u and say hi (it shud wrk, but is very hard, at least for me) to seems friendly then ask wat their name and stuff...or u urself r gonna hav to make a lil bit of small talk to someone around u, a comment, something funny to cool things down......this is how u meet new people that soon become acquaintances and then u get noticed by them

Well-known member
Can I haz your ability to go un noticed please? I get noticed just sitting on the train with my headphones on minding my own business in the back empty car. Lol.


Well-known member
Hi Philly,

I think you friends are always going to behave this way as they don't know any better- sure this doesn't help you. apart from reconizing it for next time.

Change yourself not your friends.

You need to bring back you're spark, otherwise you're going to watch your friends every move -waiting for them to over look you only to feed the SA.

Maybe start something new, find a interest that you can become passionate about and do it.

Rekindle excitement- and this excitement will push you through the tough days as your focus has changed.

Plus I think the excitement will give people a way to get to know you again.
We push people away and eventually they get the picture- this will re-open the door for them to include you again.



Well-known member
So this thread is basically dead now is it? I can't help but get pissed at such a thing. It's pretty much indicative of how things go in real life as well.

You get pissed over 3 pages of responses? That would be a total triumph for me.


Well-known member
Okay, I think I understand. To me, it sounds like you want people to care about you as well as be noticed. I could be wrong, but I think when a person asks for your opinion or how your feeling, or gives a **** if you are there or not is sign of caring about you, or at least respecting you. Either that or you're a very unique and people are genuinely curios (I imagined a lady gaga like person when I say unique). They are noticing you as well, but in a specific way.

I'm not anything close to an expert in this, but I would think if you want others to treat you like a person the first step would be treating others like people as well. If you want others to ask how your feeling, ask how they're feeling. Notice other people. I don't think it's usually a one way street. I'm not sure, maybe you already do this. I would also recommend giving them the tools they need to notice you. Tell them your interest when you can, give your opinion when it's not asked so they know it's okay, offer to help so they know you are willing to help. You make the first move, and always be ready to jump on any opportunity. If you find yourself in a group that starts talking about the presidential election, give your two cents. And make it a good two cents, as we all know you are capable of from your posts here.

You can't make people give you feedback though. You may actually matter a lot to people who just don't know how to show it. Communicating with others is a human problem not just exclusive to people with whatever disorder. And people aren't mind readers, so if you want them to treat you a certain way, you need to guide their hand a bit, either in the ways I said above or other ways. Sorry if I missed your point.

When I read this, I agree with it and I can't help but remember that Philly was the one who wrote the not caring about people thread. I would be a total hypocrite if I wrote anything along the lines of doing unto others, so I'll behave myself and be quiet ::p:


Well-known member
You get pissed over 3 pages of responses? That would be a total triumph for me.

It's not so much the amount of responses but how it almost matched my real life dealings with other people that got me pissed. Even on the internet I can't escape it, you know?

When I read this, I agree with it and I can't help but remember that Philly was the one who wrote the not caring about people thread. I would be a total hypocrite if I wrote anything along the lines of doing unto others, so I'll behave myself and be quiet ::p:

I'm sure that's a big part of it too. Although I did a sucky job of explaining what I mean in that thread. I'm sure I come off as a big jerk in it so that thread probably isn't the best to read.