How often do you cry?


Well-known member
I, tend to hold in my tears allot. I am not sure why but it’s usually if I am around people I can get overly sensitive as to what they say to me, and the smallest thing can set it off at times. I, also like to be left alone when I am upset talking about it whilst I am tender can make me a little agitated, but sometimes it’s good to cry about certain things and I would like to be able to express myself that way a bit more.


Well-known member
A lot of you seem to not cry very much..I'm no weeping female but if I feel the need to cry I'll do it, never in public though. Only in private with myself.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
My eyes will water up at a cheesy moment watching a Disney movie or tv or something on a disturbingly regular basis.

Real tears of pain and anguish are very rare. When one of my best friends died in January I was crying at random for weeks and I was bawling my ****ing eyes out for several days when I went up for the funeral. In front of anyone, and not giving a rat's ass.


Active member
I haven't cried in almost a year, until today. I thought for a while there I couldn't cry. The tears wouldn't come. Today, oh boy, I have remembered something awful that happened and well I cried for two hours straight. Just like what Highwire said. I don't cry often but when I do, oh boy howdy, hold on to your hats because it will be a flood.
Strangely enough, even though I have so many reasons to, I haven't really cried since I've been in the hospital. Such a drastic change to how things were before I admitted myself. I don't consider myself better, but I'm most likely just holding back the tears because I'm constantly around others now. I actually WANT to cry. I consistently have that heavy feeling in the back of my throat.

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
I don't really cry very often, I'd say about once a year and usually for a good reason. I rarely cry cos things are getting on top of me. My cat had to be put down last week and I cried when it was time to say goodbye. Hopefully that'll be me for another year


Well-known member
I haven't cry cried in over a year or more. I do get teary/misty sometimes at nothing....about a song, part of a movie, etc.


Well-known member
I really struggle with being able to cry and I joke sometimes that I wonder if I even have tear ducts. Sometimes I feel like the best thing to make me feel better is to have a good cry but I just can't for some reason. I can't let go.


Well-known member
I used to never cry... Over the past week though I cry every 2 days now if not every day. It's not who I am, I hate seeing myself as a victim and crying for no reason other than self weakness makes me dislike myself more. (I know, I shouldn't call it self weakness. Maybe it's not self weakness. It's just what I was thinking as I typed). It's just hard to lead such a lonely life ya'know?...
I broke down in front of one of my lecturers a few months back. Really broke down!!

She dragged me into a vacant room and spent 30 minutes of her time convincing me, that I'm O.K. Which was extremely humane of her!!

I have to admit i'm not proud of it but my emotions were rife at the time, I had quite a 'nervous breakdown' although I hesitate to use those words.

Now my emotional state and mindset have improved quite drastically.


Well-known member
I usually cry at least once a week. Sometimes more though because that's my reaction whenever I have any seriously heightened emotion.