How Much Information Do You Reveal About Yourself Online?

Logical Anxiety

Active member
I remember in my online life, that I have never revealed more than my race, nationality, age. You know, like the basic stuff you see on an ID card...although, I'm extremely reluctant to share my real name with others (for some reason.)


Well-known member
I don't get why people are so paranoid about the first name thing. If you told me your name is John, from New York, white male and you like music and pizza...umm I don't see how I'd find you based on that info. Also, WHY would I want to find you John?

If you are afraid someone will recognise you here...what is that person doing on these forums in the first place unless they have similar problems, in which case I see that as a positive. You can connect on a common issue.

I don't see the danger in giving out much info (except the obvious!), but in any case you guys have made me rethink how much I should give away. I've since changed my profile a little haha

Real danger is meeting people - yes, here I think be really carefull. But I think one should be careful with anyone ? Even people you know in real life. I just heard on radio about a girl murdered by her own guess you never really know anyone.


Well-known member
I heard about a cop who easily tracked down this girl because she told him her first name, the sport she played, what team she played for and what number player she was, and she didn't even say where she lived or anything. So I guess you have to be more careful than you realise.

But I'd give my first name, age, gender, country, maybe state, interests. I have posted up selfies on sites before but knowing what some people do with them I've decided I'm not doing that again. Maybe a picture of my dog, but then, there are furries out there, aren't there? And of course it depends on the site. Even though I'd probably talk about SP a lot here, I probably wouldn't talk about it much on other forums.

Also I've seen threads around here like, what kind of porn do you like? If I plan on integrating into this community I don't want to make it awkward having everyone know I'm into some weird kind of fetish, lol. So I don't talk much about anything sexual either.
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Well-known member
I am nervous about giving my phone number and personal information like everyone else has said. It also the reason why I don`t buy online. But I have find that their are websites out there where they do get that information about you I don`t know how they do but they got my name and my phone number. I wish they would stop calling me it make me feel very up tight . I wish I knew a computer expert to explain to me the safety measure on this and tell what I can do after the worst has already happen. It must of been Hackers the internet be very careful because some very scary thing can happen on here. watch out what you click on and what you write.


Well-known member
I usually don't reveal age, name, address, race, birthdate, anything that can be used to identify me. I can reveal gender and country, but that's probably how far i'll go. I use a pseudonym to chat with people. If I get asked I will tell a fib, but not a big white exaggerated lie.


Super Moderator
After some bad experiences, I don't reveal too much anymore.

In this particular forum, I try to remain as secretive as possible due to ex "friends" stalking me anywhere I join. They're really nosy, really obsessed over getting any information about me.


Well-known member
As a rule I've always revealed nothing personally identifying along with trying to prevent people from tracing me site-to-site, though I'll usually throw in some interests. Online has always been a haven where I can speak more freely, and in removing the means by which to identify me as me I remove fear of any backlash that isn't verbal.

Some people will be annoyed, sure. The benefit of nobody being able to post things I share on social phobia forums, LGBT forums, or just in confidence on one online community elsewhere or being able to trace me to my offline life outweighs any annoyances people might have. People have hunted each other down over online arguments, rare as it is, and I'd just like to never have to second-guess what I'm posting except to make sure it's reasonably anonymous and that if it's harsh it's warranted.

There are also numerous stalkers online, ranging from people who leave malicious comments everywhere they can find someone to people who follow their posts, Facebook pictures, etc, obsessively. If someone doesn't find my posts or basic profile information interesting enough, that's absolutely fine - we probably don't have much to talk about in the first place.

As for sharing with people I talk to personally, it varies. If I get a good vibe I'll share after a little while, and if not I won't.
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Well-known member
On forums, I would state my gender, country, city, state and maybe some of my hobbies. Nothing more than that. I also don't reveal my first name, its not very common. In fact I would be surprised if anyone had the same name as mine in the whole of Melbourne.


Well-known member
i think it is eay to reveal things like what issues i might be challenged with: SA, PTSD. But i am scared to death to post a photo. i will probably reveal more while chatting than in a thread, but the common sense stuff like real name, address, etc...not gonna happen.


An incident today

The facts of name, address, zipcode, email, phone numbers, date of birth...

My career has occupied a lot of my tasks making decisions on big corporate databases, following the principles of Data Protection Act 1976..?
I have to consider bosses' favourite ways of working. Customer Relationship Management...
To extract money from customers while keeping 'em loyal.

Maintaining records which might be incorrectly keyed-in by human error, needing a mammoth search and recovery method and disturbed project leaders get angry about keeping all personal data secret. Very simple to provide discrete counts of pupils or patients who attend - no names.

Human Resources - their salary, names, location

Years of analysing phones calls across the world... Glasgow to Christmas Island, per carrier... duration, start time. To show popularity to induce different tariffing to make more profit. Maybe the simple maths and its scalable scope it's made me an unapproachable megageek.

Going on about what I like and describe, seems to get me into the bad books. All normal people don't want to hear any detail, which they label 'IT' which is, apparently... ummm... boring.

Did Stephen Hawking, Tony Blair or William Shatner or David Beckham sell any books?

Today a unique event led me to a bone-shaking moment and was treated nicely. A room of job-finding people left and I was the one wanting attention. Some girls had personal time before leaving. I was the last one left.
Prompted by a big lady. I was excited about the next two days' interviews, proud to fit the timing around these workshops of the whole week

Pressure is not my best friend. I had to behave like this person was my mummy, to bear with me. Cannot use these words to describe it. When the jaw was shaking side-to-side and very rapid chewing which I remember just once in a car park years ago. As if freezing cold. It's someone's job to call a paramedic with a stretcher with a straight jacket if they know I have epilepsy.

I calmed down. Concentration required to swallow a flimsy beaker of water without spilling. Calmed down very soon.

Yeah. Every day around people rarely exhibits this at all. Laid back, relaxed, even when others have my career in their hands. Some mockery from strangers. Funny how my brain does odd things. Writing with a pen made me aware things weren't right.

Lot 'o' tears once I was alone with the mentor. I wish I could get a video of this. If I watched it, it might not be visible. I feel my stammer, vibrance, inside, unable to stay still

How much to reveal? It's a no. When it does happen, it's quite a form of self entertainment. Maybe when no breakfast by 3pm


Well-known member
im usually quite open about almost anything online, of course not my address or phone number, only thing i tend to leave blank is the "about me" section as i tend to have no idea what to put lol.
all tho online or real life il openly answer any question someone asks unless its emotional crap in which case i avoid it most of the time, ive opened up a little to friends online but only 1/2 people that i trust, but ive never fully opened up to anyone real life or online
an ex gf of mine found out i was on here by googling my username i think, as i used it elsewhere..this was before we started dating. You think it would never happen but it i had to explain my anxiety to her.


Well-known member
I really believe that giving out your "real" name gives people power over you, which is why I don't tell people on the internet and hesitantly in meatspace. I have a name that I do give out, first and last, which is the name I've given myself. It's more appropriate than my actual name anyways.