How many friends (online and offline) do YOU have?


Well-known member
My boyfriend is mostly online but also sometimes offline. Then there's my ex who is a friend (need to get along anyway, we have a son together). The rest is pretty much just my parents and son and people I haven't talked to in forever. Which also goes for online.


Well-known member
I've got one cousin that seems to care a bit. I have to phone her.

I used to have a friend, but he got diagnosed bipolar, and then moved into the gay scene, and our ways went apart. If I don't phone him, he will never phone me.

And a woman who occasionally text me, and that is a long story in itself of what a disfunctional relationship is.

And thats it. No online friends, I can't remember the last time someone phoned me, only twice in my life has someone invited me anywhere.

If I go on like this I will start crying.


Well-known member
i know alot of people but only a handful of them i can honestly call a friend -- the rest are kind of just acquainces, co-workers, military buds etc. Of my actual friends, there's only 2 that i'm close enough with to be able to talk to them about anything without feeling like i'm being judged. annnnnnd as for my family... i don't associate w/ any of them except for my sister; the rest can kiss my ass. i don't make friends online because it's just not the same to me... feels artificial.


Well-known member
Online - Well, I know quite a few people and chat to them sometimes, but I wouldn't ever consider any of them actual "friends", since it's just online chatting.

Offline - Used to be 1 or 2, but they've gone off to careers and universities miles away now and never speak to them anymore, so 0 really.


Well-known member
Offline: 2 friends and a boyfriend
Online: don't think I have any right now

Sending some love to anyone who is lonely. I think most of us have been there at some point. ::(:


Well-known member
online: 2, maybe some online aquantances
offline: 3 friends i can hangout with usually once a month, i hang out with my ex sometimes but that depends if he feels like talking or not so it's not a stable friendship, a group of aquantances i see like once, twice a year....and my had more than i thought xD


Active member
Online: A few distant acquaintances and my friend of 7 years who lives in another state (he also calls and we have visited each other).

Offline: NO ONE.


Well-known member
i don't have any online friends
and i only have 1 best friend and maybe 3-4 close friends. and my boyfriend. i haven't made any new friends in years.


Online: No one that I talk to more than once sentence here or there. ):

Offline: NO ONE. Zero. Zilch. D:


Well-known member
I haven't hung out with anyone in real life in at least a year. Online, I never initiate conversations but once in a while someone will say hi to me and we'll talk for about 5 minutes unless I choose not to respond, which is the case more often than not.


Active member
in real life: Zero Close Friends.
online:not sure.
all by myself.
still harbor the wish of having good friends.


Well-known member
In real life I have one very close friend, and online I talk to the same person. Jesus, I really wish I atleast had more online friends if not offline.

A friend

Well-known member
You shouldn't make millions of friends just to fit in.

In my opinion, if you're happy with the friends you have, then don't run around the world to find some.

Don't worry, be happy.
