how many friends do you have?


Well-known member
Most of mine are online. I talk on the phone with 1 of them pretty often, we can't meet because its long distance and we're busy with work, school etc. I don't really care either way, all the better not to regret anything when i'll be moving out of here soon enough, i wont be leaving behind my "ton of best frends" that i dont have.


Well-known member
Ok i also have 2 who i see in real life once in a while, we get along great but we dont meet often enough to consider em friends.


Well-known member
So It's very hard for people with SA to have friends or to maintain friends.

I want to know how many friends you've got.

I got one local friend, one friend who lives 3 hours away and 5 online friends.

How about y'all?

The only few friends I have here are online but that's about it. I really don't think people are interested in wanting to be my friend though so that's something I'll have to get used to. It does make me feel a little desperate and depressed that I feel lonely all the time. I shouldn't feel like that, but these feelings are like a cancer that never go away. It's eating me alive. Maybe sooner when I'm older, I'll get over this.


Well-known member
I usually talk to people online. A few of them I guess would consider to be my friend but I'm not sure if they count me as one. I only have 2 friends maybe?.... Pretty clueless to this to be honest with you, cause so many people has either stopped talking to me, ignore me or only say a few words to me every now an than. And I don't count them as friends anymore, they're just people I know. True friends I believe I only have 2..... maybe?.....


Well-known member
I don't think the number of friends is important, but the quality. If you have even one good friend, consider yourself lucky.


Well-known member

But seriously, after I left school no one really talks to me anymore except occasionally on facebook


Well-known member
I have 5 true friends, 3 of which I see on a regular basis and the other 2 I see occasionally due to distance. Really great people, I am so blessed to have them :)
I do hope to make more friends on here too! It would be nice to have people who know what I am going through and vice-versa.


Well-known member
I have a number of friends which is multiplied by zero
total number of friends = 0 x 0
[ = 0 Ans]


Well-known member
Myself included? 1
Sometimes I'm happy about it, most times I'm not.
I really cant imagine having friends anymore though.


Well-known member
I have about a dozen friends that I never hang out with since I fell into a social anxiety pit about 2 years ago. It's hard because they are confused about wtf happened to me, where I went, why, and how to treat me now. I just avoid almost everyone all the time in the physical world. On the online realm I maintain those relationships (enough to satisfy, I hope for the time being, as I pray I will snap out of it eventually) along with several others that I know from the internet only. Some of my best friends I met online.
Am I allowed to count pets and regularly used technological devices? Fictitious characters too? Because if so, over fifty. Otherwise, in the single digits (I'm still counting pets, though.)