How long have you been single?

How long have you been single?

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Yep I've also been single all my life. I'm 23

I always hope that I will find a special girl one day.
I don't want the all to common failed relationships based on image and sex.

If you ask me a relationship is something that last years, not months or weeks and given the statistics I'd say we're not doing to bad.


Yep, me too..... in my 17 years I never had a girl.... I don't think I ever will... If a girl liked me..... than she would have to be mentally unstable....


Well-known member
I'm 15 and I've been single for over 1,5 years.
I've been together with my gf for +/- 2 years but the relationship was doomed to end. :( I broke up with her and the only good thing I can say about it is that I'm happy we broke up because it just didn't work anymore after the "magic" was gone. I still hope that one day I'll meet "the one", but just a nice goodlooking girl is good enough 8)
anyway as someone in the begin of this topic said so beautifuly,
"I am alone but I don't feel lonely"


Active member
well right now been single for a week lol was with him for four years, before i was on my own for a couple of years but had been with my kids dad for nearly 15 years (we met when i was 14). i'm 33 now and although i like being in a relationship (mainly for the companionship) when my head is on straight i also do kinda like being on my own.

i also like what someone else said in an earlier post, for someone to be with me they would have to be mentally unstable.


Well-known member
oh around 17 years now I think...if I am remembering right...but whats it matter at this point right.



Well-known member
I'm 18, going on 19 & I've been single for going on 19 years.

These days, I'm convinced it's never going to happen for me. I'm tired of people saying "it'll happen eventually" or "your time will come." Yeah right. I need my "time" to happen right now! I'm so desperate, it's embarrassing. :roll:
Two weeks, because my wife of 15 years went on a road trip with her mother. Geez, what a lonely two weeks. I don't know how anyone can stand being alone.

I met my wife thru an ad in the personals of the local paper. Before her I had about 5 girlfriends. My social anxiety disorder (SAD) has affected me mostly at the workplace. I've had like 25 jobs in 25 years. But lately ACT has helped me keep my current job for more than 2 years.


Well-known member
sabbath92002 said:
Two weeks, because my wife of 15 years went on a road trip with her mother. Geez, what a lonely two weeks. I don't know how anyone can stand being alone.
I can't understand how people can want to live together with someone yes.
Kien said:
sabbath92002 said:
Two weeks, because my wife of 15 years went on a road trip with her mother. Geez, what a lonely two weeks. I don't know how anyone can stand being alone.
I can't understand how people can want to live together with someone yes.

It's not easy living together but it's a lot better than living alone. But two weeks alone have reminded me that I really do need to make some new friends. People to chat with, go out to concerts with, go shopping with, etc. Almost everything is funner when done with others you like and love.

I'm going to try going to some meetups from and hopefully meet some new people with similar interests. At least it'll be a good excuse to get out of the house :p

btw Kien, they have some meetup groups in Sweden too.


Well-known member
sabbath92002 said:
It's not easy living together but it's a lot better than living alone.
If I had very close friends and knew I wouldn't be lonely, I wouldn't feel the need to have a partner. I want to read books, study and do a lot of other things in my spare time - in accordance with my own personal code of values. I doubt I could do all that with a wife and kids..
Argamemnon said:
sabbath92002 said:
It's not easy living together but it's a lot better than living alone.
If I had very close friends and knew I wouldn't be lonely, I wouldn't feel the need to have a partner. I want to read books, study and do a lot of other things in my spare time - in accordance with my own personal code of values. I doubt I could do all that with a wife and kids..

We don't have any kids (or pets). We can't afford kids (or pets). If we ever get rich we'll adopt kids before having any of our own.


Well-known member
sabbath92003 said:
We don't have any kids (or pets). We can't afford kids (or pets). If we ever get rich we'll adopt kids before having any of our own.
I thought you were well-educated and had a great IT job. It also depends on your lifestyle of course, if you have bought an expensive house and other stuff, I can imagine that you can't afford to have children.


New member
36 years

I've never had a girlfriend and I am 36 years old. Not fun. Being a virgin in and of itself is not a bother for me - just that I have not found someone that is interested in me.

I've tried online dating for over 6 years now and it's been rough. Women post laundry lists of what they need. In summary, they want the "bad boy" who will magically turn into the role model dad, the moment they have a child.

I'm otherwise very successful, bachelor's, master's, home, vehicle, good career, goals, interests, etc.

Still searching and hoping. My advice for any guys under age 20 or so - GO TO A COLLEGE WITH TONS OF WOMEN! Seriously.

I'm about to turn 25, and I've been single for almost 25 years lol, although honestly the first 13 years don't count because I wasn't cognisant of romantic feelings until I had my first crush at 13, so technically I've been single for about 12 years...

To me its not really that big a deal to me, it used to be alot when I was a little younger back in high school and EVERYONE it seemed was in a relationship, but nowadays it isn't something that I'm truly wound up about. If I do happen to find a great girl and we hit it off and we get together, then wonderful, that will be one of the most memorable days of my life and I will literally remember the exact moment in time when I finally got my first girlfriend, and I'll call all of my family and brothers to tell them the ecstatic news!!! :lol:

But until that day happens, eh its no biggie, I already have a great social support system with my family and my fraternity brothers who value my existence, who I can just hang out with and not care what it is we do but just value the time we're together, honestly I feel VERY content with my life right now, as in I do not feel in any way that I NEED a girlfriend, it would just be wonderful to have but is in no way necessary for me to be happy.


Well-known member
i've been single all my life : ( but that's gotta change soon!!!! any female around 21 close to nyc interested???