I'm about to turn 25, and I've been single for almost 25 years lol, although honestly the first 13 years don't count because I wasn't cognisant of romantic feelings until I had my first crush at 13, so technically I've been single for about 12 years...
To me its not really that big a deal to me, it used to be alot when I was a little younger back in high school and EVERYONE it seemed was in a relationship, but nowadays it isn't something that I'm truly wound up about. If I do happen to find a great girl and we hit it off and we get together, then wonderful, that will be one of the most memorable days of my life and I will literally remember the exact moment in time when I finally got my first girlfriend, and I'll call all of my family and brothers to tell them the ecstatic news!!! :lol:
But until that day happens, eh its no biggie, I already have a great social support system with my family and my fraternity brothers who value my existence, who I can just hang out with and not care what it is we do but just value the time we're together, honestly I feel VERY content with my life right now, as in I do not feel in any way that I NEED a girlfriend, it would just be wonderful to have but is in no way necessary for me to be happy.