I'm wondering if this couldn't be some sort of atypical manifestation of ADD? If you have trouble concentrating or getting deeply involved in any one topic or activity, this might come across as feeling uninterested. I'm certainly no expert on the topic, so I'm just throwing it out there as a possibility. It's really hard for me to imagine not being interested in things, especially since you seem to want to be. It's a conundrum for sure.
i d have 1-2 things that mildly interest me but for the most part, these things almost feel more like 'time passers' than anything that i get immense amounts of pleasure and satisfaction from..i have heard adhd-i mentioned to me several times before..
a few more examples, my nephew had a basketball game today, i went but i was not very interested or into it, either the game or the social aspect of being around family and friends..i went anyways because thats what i SHOULD do..
heres the big kicker, as a guy ive never really been that interested in sex..only on the rare occasion do i feel interested..not nearly enough to warrant going through the hurdles to get it though, not even close..
so i just sit back and scratch my head as i feel so abnormal compared to most..men especially are strongly driven by sex, they work their asses in their profession or at the gym to attract women for sex..im almost indifferent to it..