How Interested in Life are you?


Well-known member
ive noticed throughout my life that i dont seem to be as interested in many things like most people..i have 1-2 things that i seem to have a shallow interest in but it seems most people have strong passions for quite a few things..when it comes to people, places and things, my overall interest level is around a 3 out of 10 where most people seem to hover around 7-8...where do you stand in this area?

i have found that this may factor into my social problems as if you dont share common interests with other people, conversations wil fail..

I'm the opposite. I have intense interests.


Well-known member
I like life, I don't just like the terms.

It's possible to be passionate but still have next to nothing to relate to others over. My peers don't read philosophy or short story anthologies, they read 50 Shades or whatever generic fantasy is a hot seller at the time. The only thing I really share with others are my tastes in TV shows. Game of Thrones, etc.


Well-known member
i used to have a lot of passion for life,despite the fact that i was in the house all the time,i had fun either just being on the internet,cooking,reading etc but since christmas i became depressed and developed anhedonia,i cant even enjoy listening to music,it makes it really hard to stay alive..i only wish to go to bed because i'm so bored,my dreams are the only thing that's good about my life and during that time i'm not in pain.


Well-known member
I have a passion for gardening.. It's my world.. I am sad when I see something so helpess die.. but am happy when I have created a beautiful flower and it survives. Sometimes I feel different.. an outcast because I can't relate my interest with anyone else.. Sometimes you have to see something like that which is different from anyone else as a gift you were given and not see it as being unrelated to what everyone else's interests are. Life can be an up and down for anyone.. at anytime.. for any reason.


Well-known member
Depression tends to do this-- suck the interest out of things you once found fascinating or enjoyed.

I still have yet to regain much interest for anything but I sure as hell am trying!