How important is music to you?


Well-known member
How important is music to you. I feel pretty indifferent to it for the most part, and it's always amazed me when people say 'music is my life', 'i couldn't live without music' and such. With the exception of a few bands witch bring back some really powerful, nostalgic feelings in me, i could easily live without it... because for the most part it does nothing for me. I know this isn't really normal, but how many other people here feel the same way about music?


Well-known member
Music is very important to me. I hear voices and music helps distract and drown them out. It is also a distraction from negative thoughts and can help me relax or cheer up. Overall, tis a wonderful thing.



Well-known member
People listen to music because it makes their life feel significant and purposeful. If you want to see a glimpse of this in action, watch any movie, and you'll always hear music playing whenever something significant is happening. It tends to happen at the pinnacle of brilliance or disaster.

Music is almost like a drug because it triggers remembrance of these emotional highs.


Active member
I don't know. I like music. I don't think I could hang on without it. It sort of gives me
id, gives me existence. I believe that music I listen to is the only personality I have. scary isn't it?
It rarelly makes me happy because I cannot relate to happy music. I like sad songs.
And I like angry songs. And this is a part of me. So that's preety much the way I feel


Active member
Very important. I am CONSTANTLY listening to music, I am right now. I've got 1633 songs in my itunes, I don't know what i'd do without it. Being a musician probably has a lot to do with it though :rolleyes:.
Wow I love my music. Always puts me in the mood i want to be in, or makes me go extreme with my feelings. Also sometimes helps with anxiety...


Well-known member
Music provides me with a form of personal therapy, without which I would fall apart completely.

I've always liked this one quote...

“When I open my eyes I must sigh, for what I see is contrary to my religion and I must despise the world which does not know that music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.” - Ludwig van Beethoven


Well-known member
Very important. I am CONSTANTLY listening to music, I am right now. I've got 1633 songs in my itunes, I don't know what i'd do without it. Being a musician probably has a lot to do with it though :rolleyes:.

What?! I only have 1338 songs in my itunes, no fair.. *starts downloading*::p:

Music has got me through some of my blackest days..
in a way it's very therapeutic for me.


Well-known member
Er, I'm another one of those "music is my life" people. My mp3 player is the first thing I grab when I'm leaving my house (besides my wallet). It's my means of escapism when things get hard and it keeps me going whenever I'm happy. I listen to music whenever I can. I'm addicted, really.


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7601 :D

Music makes me feel good.

I try to only keep things in my library that I actually might listen to. Except lil wayne which i use to bug my neighbors (who actually just moved out) with the power of bass.

I also found this really interesting
BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | Music tastes link to personality
At the bottom of the page is shows music genres and what kind of personality people who listen to that music normally have. I don't know how accurate it is but I listen to metal and it fits me near perfectly.


Active member
i only have a collection of 6056 songs from over the years as i should give a lot more artists a chance to actually take the time to listen to. but a good variety of music is good to have as it can keep you together with whatever mood your in.

btw i think we should all have one of these...
The Hills are Alive

VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!! I can't go on the computer without music playing, or go in a car without, it just feels soooo weird!! so I listen to it hours a day, so pretty much most of the time I am awake since I'm never anywhere else. I need it. Viva la Music!!!
I always thought that music is my life, but now i'm thinking it takes my productivity away. If I start listening to music in the morning or watching a movie the whole day is gone, I'm doomed, I will do nothing al the day. No matter how big works I have to do. So the music takes my life sometimes... At the end of the day I feel very bad about that it took all my day.


Well-known member
Many times I can't seem to get away from music. It's hard to read when your brain is running through Paganini's Violin Concerto in D. And it's just plain annoying when you're stuck "listening" to Megadeth while working in the garden. At least if you're listening to it you can turn it off, or put on something else.

But somebody put the power button for my mind's random radio on the inside of my head. :rolleyes: