How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I feel the need to share how I feel right at this moment.
I haven't been on this website in a few months now, and it's strange returning.

For many reasons I don't feel so well.
My cat died on Monday, and I've been extremely depressed about this.
He was 12 years old and he was my entire life. I haven't been coping well at all.
I have unpleasant physical sensations which are very uncomfortable, I weep continously and I cannot eat because of a lack of apetite and because I vomit everything I consume due to the crying.

I also feel alot more self-conscience than per usual. When I last posted here, I mentioned about my 'Britney Spears incident', so people call it. My hair is spikey now but I look like a male with my face structure and I've gained almost 10 kgs in two months. Thank-you medication (sarcasm).
I have been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome and Bipolar Disorder. I am content with the diagnosis because now I can understand myself much more than in the past. It feels as if my entire life has been explained to me within a few months.

Something I must admit is how well my therapy has been for me.
My social anxiety has lessened alot, and I have learnt alot and along side my medication I feel as if I can overcome this anxiety and move on with my life.

The biggest lesson I was taught was why alot of anxiety sufferers do not recover. It's because they are afraid to face their fears in which is compulsory for recovery.
I was told the statement, 'feel the fear and do it anyway', and I have been fulfilling this, slowly but surely and I have made many victories which I never thought would be possible for me to succeed in.

I have also been instructed to fill out a thought diary which I find very helpful for me.
Sometime in the near future I may share with the users of this site the steps to this particular thought diary and to see if it helps, and I could also share what I learn from my therapy in hope it will be of help to someone else.
I want to be dead right now.
Today proved I have no friends at school at all. I'm afraid to go back there because of some bullies. And I really hate myself, they started hurling insults at me. I feel so sick and angry right now. I desperately want to hurt them.
As for me, I'm getting one of these specifically for going out in public.

Oh my. I would pay to see this. :) And, yeah, there's something wrong with that horse.
I did. I went to Meredith,an important member of staff who's supposed to 'care' for the girls between 11 and 14 at my school,she spoke to these two girls. It wouldn't make it worse that she's talked to them,but it's a separate issue of not having any friends. Some bullies in the year above me circled me this afternoon at lunchtime, they started whispering very loudly about me, I heard the word fat, and for some reason....a girl said I had a really big head, which I found kind of weird.
I really hate it here. I have another three years at least,maybe five. I seriously want to die. My 'friends' looked on and did nothing while these girls insulted me literally behind my back, and then two of them started 'arguing' with me (insulting me, they called me a fat ****, and a fat piece of ****...purely because I'm not skinny) but it makes me feel really insecure. I've never been called ugly or stupid, the insult has always been fat.If someone were to call me ugly or stupid, I would probably laugh, because I'm certain I'm not. Or even a bitch,whore or ****. But different.
Does it necessarily follow that there's some truth in what people are saying though, if that word has always cropped up when people want to insult me?
I don't know, I probably am fat.
I did. I went to Meredith,an important member of staff who's supposed to 'care' for the girls between 11 and 14 at my school,she spoke to these two girls. It wouldn't make it worse that she's talked to them,but it's a separate issue of not having any friends. Some bullies in the year above me circled me this afternoon at lunchtime, they started whispering very loudly about me, I heard the word fat, and for some reason....a girl said I had a really big head, which I found kind of weird.
I really hate it here. I have another three years at least,maybe five. I seriously want to die. My 'friends' looked on and did nothing while these girls insulted me literally behind my back, and then two of them started 'arguing' with me (insulting me, they called me a fat ****, and a fat piece of ****...purely because I'm not skinny) but it makes me feel really insecure. I've never been called ugly or stupid, the insult has always been fat.If someone were to call me ugly or stupid, I would probably laugh, because I'm certain I'm not. Or even a bitch,whore or ****. But different.
Does it necessarily follow that there's some truth in what people are saying though, if that word has always cropped up when people want to insult me?
I don't know, I probably am fat.

I'm sorry to know that. They seem like a bunch of stupid ****** Don't worry about it,just because you're not skinny doesn't mean you're fat. In fact I think you are quite beautiful. They are calling you fat intentionally because they know that you're a little insecure about it. They just want to upset you. The best thing you can do now is not to listen to them,cos the more you show that you're worried about it the more encouraging it'll be for them. Hang in there dear.


Well-known member
Tired. There was a blackout last night and we had no air when it was like 90 degrees. Talk about horrible timing... Barely got any sleep last night with all that heat.


Well-known member
I did. I went to Meredith,an important member of staff who's supposed to 'care' for the girls between 11 and 14 at my school,she spoke to these two girls. It wouldn't make it worse that she's talked to them,but it's a separate issue of not having any friends. Some bullies in the year above me circled me this afternoon at lunchtime, they started whispering very loudly about me, I heard the word fat, and for some reason....a girl said I had a really big head, which I found kind of weird.
I really hate it here. I have another three years at least,maybe five. I seriously want to die. My 'friends' looked on and did nothing while these girls insulted me literally behind my back, and then two of them started 'arguing' with me (insulting me, they called me a fat ****, and a fat piece of ****...purely because I'm not skinny) but it makes me feel really insecure. I've never been called ugly or stupid, the insult has always been fat.If someone were to call me ugly or stupid, I would probably laugh, because I'm certain I'm not. Or even a bitch,whore or ****. But different.
Does it necessarily follow that there's some truth in what people are saying though, if that word has always cropped up when people want to insult me?
I don't know, I probably am fat.

I hate this stuff makes me so angry how cruel ppl can be. Sorry you gotta go through this. You aren't fat - it's a word meant to insult yeah - and what two douche bag guys say shouldn't make you believe it or really let that word get to you; don't give it so much power. Easier said than done esp if there's personal attachments to a word/what it means to you which there seems to be - but keep talking with Meredith. You're feeling of wanting to die WILL pass - just talking about it here many ppl to talk with/support you you clearly DONT want to - I'm sorry you've had a horrible few days ppl can be really horrible esp at that age - bullies ugh I know how it is - girls have it worse tho than guys I swear from what I've read/seen - jussssst keep in there!
I'm sorry to know that. They seem like a bunch of stupid ****** Don't worry about it,just because you're not skinny doesn't mean you're fat. In fact I think you are quite beautiful. They are calling you fat intentionally because they know that you're a little insecure about it. They just want to upset you. The best thing you can do now is not to listen to them,cos the more you show that you're worried about it the more encouraging it'll be for them. Hang in there dear.

Thank you lovely, this really helped me.
I just don't understand, when I'm out in public I'm really secure. Guys often look at me, smile, approach me and ask for my number etc. so it must be they think I'm alright looking at least (I have to decline though, they always think I'm in my late teens or early twenties,haha.)'s like at school, they stare at me a lot and whenever girls have insulted me,it's always fat or creepy (in reference to my eyes.) I'd say fat and creepy are the only insults that can really hurt me, and that's due to it being reinforced. Obviously if you're not called a certain pejorative term like 'ugly' you probably won't think you are. That's why if anyone called me ugly for example, I would probably laugh in their face, it's just not an insult in my mind. Funny how different things affect different people.
You aren't fat - it's a word meant to insult yeah - and what two douche bag guys say shouldn't make you believe it or really let that word get to you; don't give it so much power. Easier said than done esp if there's personal attachments to a word/what it means to you which there seems to be - but keep talking with Meredith. You're feeling of wanting to die WILL pass - just talking about it here many ppl to talk with/support you you clearly DONT want to - I'm sorry you've had a horrible few days ppl can be really horrible esp at that age

thank you, that's really helpful.


Well-known member
I feel awful. School started a few days ago and there was a problem with my schedule and there was a blank which was supposed to be a class.

I went to have it fixed and all classes were full so im forced into the only one left which is yearbook. I though ok its probably not so bad until I found myself walking into the ultimate of SA hell.

27 girls and only one Every girl in there is extremely attractive,and almost all of them have ridiculed me at one point or another. We have to brainstorm ideas so we have to do group disscussion and I have to talk in front of all of them. Ive checked and theres no way I can get out of this class because all others are full. Its made me miserable.


Very tired. It's unfortunate that I work tomorrow and Sunday. Well, unfortunate that it will eat up my weekend and limit my study time. Well, that's the price you pay as a working college student.


Well-known member
Mentally exhausted and physically weak for no apparent reason. This has been too common lately, even for me.