How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Im feeling optimistic at the moment. I've found a mental health place in my local area that i can join, and relax and make friends, do activites like art, photography, and just be part of a welcoming, friendly community. I'm going to pop in on tuesday morning and ask if i can join. I'm really nervous about it i'm not all that good with change from my normal boring routine lol, but i know they'll understand and i think it'll be a great start to getting on the right track in life for me. I really hope so. :)


Well-known member
board went mountain biking today then went to a boot sale , but on a good note i brought loads of baby stuff , me and my gf stock up on loads of baby stuff at boot sales , then we take it all over to bulgaria when we go to my holiday home and we give the baby stuff to the gypsys over there ...... there very poor people and there glad of the stuff , some of them havent even got a decent pair of shoes , so ill be looking for kids shoes next week at the boot sale ;)


when i was young, i didnt know what i expected out of life, but drinking pints of vodka during the day, was not at the top of the agenda.


Well-known member
feeling pretty good - sun finally came out, had a good meeting with my boss, nice night with my girl last night - kinda tired for being up so late, though.


Well-known member
Not really good. My binge is getting out of control. Reading self help book; I know what it says, but it's hard to carry out in real life. Yup I feel like I'm loser. But tomorrow comes, there's a chance still.


Active member
Depressed that it's the start of another week of college tomorrow

i get to do two mock exam this week and have it confirmed that I'm stupid as well as totally unlikeable.
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Depressed that it's the start of another week of college tomorrow

i get to do two mock exam this week and have it confirmed that I'm stupid as well as totally unlikeable. At least loners like Einstein had smarts.

feeling the same way.. apsolurtely smae.. but ur prolly smarter than u think :)


Well-known member
grrr, frustrated that I can never get any books back to the library on time! I bet my overdue fees are around 20 dollars again :((((( And I can't take anything out until it's under 10! And I don't have moniez! hmph


grrr, frustrated that I can never get any books back to the library on time! I bet my overdue fees are around 20 dollars again :((((( And I can't take anything out until it's under 10! And I don't have moniez! hmph

I have this problem,I always get myself books out thinking oh it will give me a reason to get myself out and up town when they are due back,in reality I end up putting it off ::eek:: and last time I paid more than the books were worth!