thanks for your replyAh sorry to hear that Johan, that's a nuisance.
thanks for your replyAh sorry to hear that Johan, that's a nuisance.
i feel realy bad![]()
i just got the information that the guy i am roommate with is thinking of moving and if he does i will not have anywhare to live![]()
there is a significant risk that I will be homeless. this realy sucks!:kickingmyself:
However! Best not to think of everything that can go wrong, and instead focus on everything that can go right: kissing, snuggling, hanging out with my friend, good food, good drive there and back, and so on. I'm already looking forward to it.![]()
Yep life is one big party alright. So many lonely unhappy people on this planet, life is a test of endurance. The meaning of life is the biggest joke of all. :kickingmyself:
I feel very bad. Today, I turn 48 and hardly have any friends or anything else either. I seem to make people uncomfortable, so people want nothing to do with me. When will this stop?
thanks for your reply![]()
Feel good! And scared! I've decided to go back to Melbourne for a couple of extra days and spend more time with my lady friend down there. I figured that I have a week of holidays left, and I'll probably just waste them here doing nothing, so why not go back and kiss her some more, right?
I'm scared because 1. This is rather impromptu and not something I do well with, 2. I hope I'm welcomed back (they said I would be, but still...), and 3. What if she decides to get serious and want to have sex? My anxieties are likely to end that pretty fast.
However! Best not to think of everything that can go wrong, and instead focus on everything that can go right: kissing, snuggling, hanging out with my friend, good food, good drive there and back, and so on. I'm already looking forward to it.![]()
I never understood what they mean when they say ' what is the meaning of life?' I mean, is it just me or does that sentence sound incorrect? What does the question actually mean? Does it mean' What is the purpose of life?' or does it mean something entirely different?:idontknow:
For once today I finally feel good. All day I've been a miserable mess. I've been physically drained and tired all week, but today I was unmotivated and really depressed all day up until now. Slept in until 11am (I never sleep in that late) just because I had no motivation or willpower to even crawl out of bed. All day I've been forcing myself to do things, even when I didn't feel like it, but I'm glad I did because it did make me feel better. I really hate feeling like this with every period though. It's not just general PMS anymore, I know it isn't, and now I'm kicking myself for not contacting my doctor about it today. My mom talked to me again last night about how messed up I get around this time. Well, she didn't put it like that, but she does know now how emotionally miserable I get around this time. If I'm not yelling at people, I'm either bawling my eyes out over stupid things (The other day I cried because I screwed up making brownies. No I'm not kidding.) or I'm laying around emotionally dead to the world. She figured I should e-mail my doctor about any medications/natural remedies (I'd prefer natural remedies since medication and I haven't always gotten along) that I could take that would just help even everything out.
^ Yeah, the only reason now I'm realizing this is more than PMS is that remembering past PMS experiences, they weren't as extreme. Over the last year, my symptoms have gotten much worse which leads me to suspect I'm dealing with more along the lines of PMDD. During my period, when I hit that "rock bottom" depression feeling, I also become overwhelmed with thoughts of cutting myself. The last time I thought of doing anything of the sort was when I was 14 and hit the peak of my actual depression (which at the time was a "rock bottom" for me). I have never cut myself, I've always fought the urge, but I can't say I never got close. It's a struggle trying to break those thoughts and urges, and I'm kind of afraid one day I'll just cave -- all because of my stupid period.This PMS business really blows. I can relate (I had a mini breakdown when I messed up my cake pops last month) When it is happening I don't recognize it as PMS. And it is real either way, though my feelings and thoughts get really screwy. My boyfriend says I become like a baby that just cries. Yep. I haven't talked to any doctors about it. I read that this one birth control helps with it, but like you, I rather not take any medications. Still, I am not prepared to go through this every month. Neither are those close to me. If you get some suggestions, please share!
^ It's really funny about my physical symptoms with mine. During the first few years when I started mine (About ages 11 - 15), I had no emotional problems so much as it was all physical pain and miserableness. I was so irregular my periods would last for a week or more, and then they usually wouldn't come back for another 2 - 3 months. With each one I would be so bloated, I too figured I gained weight, since none of my jeans would fit at all. The cramps were usually so bad ibuprofen and other painkillers wouldn't even work for them. Sometimes I'd just lay in bed curled up in a ball in tears for over an hour because I was in so much pain. I almost always missed school on my 2nd and/or 3rd days because I could hardly move and my flow was so bad.^Same here. PMS makes me bloat and several times, I thought I had gained weight when in fact it's just PMS. I also notice that I get crazy mood swings at certain times of the month. I'm not looking forward to my period. I wonder if mindfulness can help with this...
(sort of)