How are you feeling?

This is the first time I've ever posted to a forum. I've wanted to for ages but even on the Internet I have SA. For months and months I've spent every Saturday night alone. I'm so sick of it and so lonely. But last Saturday I was invited to have dinner with the family of a girl I have a crush on. That might sound promising, but she's not my girlfriend, instead she works part-time for me. I was so nervous that the evening went badly. I was really hoping that if she couldn't become my gf at least we could be friends. But I screwed it up. Now she's going abroad and won't be working for me anymore. I haven't been on a date or even kissed a girl for 5 years. I don't understand why I just cannot connect with anyone. To cutefluffykitten: I think finding Jesus is an answer, but how do you find Him? I've been looking for Him for years.


Well-known member
desperate,sad and lonely,ive lost my gf i had only for a few weeks,because of my sp,i will obviously experience a setback again


Active member
Cold and alone...

I'm getting about 3 hours sleep a night... if any...

my body hurts, my back aches, and I think I might have an STD...


Well-known member
right now im feeling---

-bored ((nothin 2 do!))
-scared ((that my school called lol))
-sorry ((4 something w/ my friend))
-wierd ((i always am tho lol))
-a little happy actually idk y tho

and ya i think thats it lol


Well-known member
scatmantom said:
Stressing over Uni work...Find it really hard to unwind in the much work to do :cry:

Mee too, and the one coming up is one with major reading required, loads of readings. zzzz My eye sight has gone down a couple of degrees (or is it up) since the last few weeks.

BAHH i need icecream


Well-known member
DREADING Thanksgiving. All those family members I hardly know. Friends coming back. It's a dumb holiday anyway. After the pilgrims and indians had turkey together the pilgrims passed on all their foreign diseases wiping out the indian population. The ones that didn't die from disease were tricked out of their land and/or slaughtered. What a terrible holiday!


I have to attend a social gathering in 2 days . I'm already dreading it . Usually I feel so bad when I'm back from such social gatherings :(


Well-known member
Today was awful. I almost had a panic attack, my face and arms had pins and needles, my facial muscles felt like they were fitting! I had to miss alot of lectures to come home and sleep it off. It was partly down to the fact I had been drunk the night before :roll:! As usual i suffered badly from hang over anxiety, which is not a nice feeling at all! Still will teach me not to drink so much i guess :p


Well-known member
I feel a bit numb. The last couple of days I seem to have reached a sort of level of sad numbness. I'm not angry, or irritated, or anything really. I have a job interview on Friday, and god I hope I get it. I have to break this cycle.


Well-known member
I'd just like to follow up my recent run of negative posts with something positive... I got the job!!!!!!! :D ok, this is it - the first step on the ladder; the plan is in action!

I feel happy!


Well-known member
I feel pretty good. Last two days at work have been really quite happy and I've been pretty confident. Got paid 2 days ago and its the weekend so bring it on! Just about to crack open a Stella Artois................. :lol:


Well-known member
I feel uninspired and unmotivated. I have a biology paper to do ,it's worth a lot of points but I just don't feel like doing it. I just feel awful, like nothing is relevant.
I don't feel passion for college, but thanks to the pressure my mother puts on me ,I can still feel the fear of failing classes.
I don't know what I need or want ,I don't have anything planned for my future or present, and I have no "plan b".

But I have good news! I just saved a bunch of money by switching to geico!
(That would have been funny if I really had a car)

Anyway, I've thinking about living alone,no matter how much it costs and no matter how many classes I would have to leave , simply because I just need to relieve some of the pressure that I get from living with people who think money equals success and the only valuable support worth giving or receiving is economical.
What is the fucking point of having a car ,money ,and college tuition if you have nowhere to go,no social life, no interests in which you could spend your money on and there is no fucking passion for the career you chose simply because it was the one that "sucked less"?
Simply put,what is the fucking point of having money if you have no fucking life?


Right now I'm feeling like I have no reason 2 go on, I feel no motivation or pleasure to do anything.

And when I feel like this I tend to do crazy sh*t. :twisted:


New member
Im feeling great!
work today and the red face issue wasnt even a issue! (was a bit quiet at work today tbough.... but hey)


Well-known member
Tryin said:
angry. totally wasted this day. :oops: :evil:

I feel like that everyday :cry:

Anyways, i'm feeling crap. Head is fucking killing because of the anxiety and i'm finding it difficult to concentrate on the cbt techniques i've 'learnt'.