****ing ugh I was anxious about school and my lousy appearance since I chopped my hair off, so what did I do, just chopped more off hoping it would somehow help. Greaaaat, now I think I'll stay inside for a year. And I started crying because I have to go to my first class of night school in... 10 minutes. Feel like a MESS. Never realized my social anxiety is more about body image. Hair in tatters = the next year in tatters. mother ****ing lajsdlkdfslk I do'nt know if I'll get to my class now ..
I do that all the time, well I used to. I wouldn't have the opportunity to have my hair cut, so I cut it myself. Naturally I fudged it up every time I attempted it. Would make me feel terrible, but it's easier for me to force myself to school than having to explain to my parents.