Hate Capitalism!

If you can't work here in Norway, the government gives you 25,000 dollars a year + money for certain living expenses (rent, electricity, water and so on).

Here they give u 2000euros a year, nothing more...almost the same!


Well-known member
Here they give u 2000euros a year, nothing more...almost the same!

Here they give us 0, usually accompanied by even more taxes.

I say that even on Portugal (if that's where you're from, I'm just using your name as a reference :D) you guys get it off easy, all things considered.
Here they give us 0, usually accompanied by even more taxes.

I say that even on Portugal (if that's where you're from, I'm just using your name as a reference :D) you guys get it off easy, all things considered.

You're probably talking about unemployment taxe/rate....we don't get off easy from that!


Well-known member
btw. I think people are comparing capitalism to communism, socialism, dictatorships, etc unfairly - western capitalism wouldn't be nowhere near as rich or corrupt as it is today, without the eastern countries working sweatshops and drone jobs.

Also, I doubt Norway would be anywhere without their oil - although, I don't know how my own country has become so wealthy without that


Well-known member
without some capitalism creating buisness and jobs and products ,just where do people think they will find jobs,,or is it better to depend on government to give everything by spreading the wealth around..that is socialism..the usa became the USA by capitalism..to think with out some hard work we are just owed a living and life is just LAZY to me. it sounds like entitlement...good luck with that.

people say they hate capitalism yet they use cell phones and computers and drive cars..ETC ETC,ALL of which were marketed with CAPITALISM!!!

I think if people live within their means and make life a matter of need NOT greed..for the most part it will work out.and if people become rich from the hard work or are born into the wealth,oh well..why fault them??? they don't have to give all their money away..why should they.As long as they pay their share of taxes it's their money to do as they please.Why hate them for it.I don't see someone driving a better car then me and think I deserve that car or they should sell it and buy me a better car:confused:

As far as owing bills go..We ALL owe bills at one time or another I would think.unless we are living at home in the parents basement and plan on doing that FOREVER????

Invent something of your own.be it a product or a company and you will be a capatalist if you make money from it and then perhaps you will see nothing wrong with it.I think if that happens you will think it's ALL good..go figure.

And anyone that thinks the USa is so bad may want to spend some tome abroad perhaps in a third world nation and rethink that thought.

yea also they may want to check out Greece and see how entitlement worked out for them..not so good now.

this word CAPITALISM is being thrown around AS IF it's a horrible thing now a days..perhaps one should look into things they would not have without some forms of Capitalism...It sounds like occupiers rhetoric now..same old same old without the facts and figures...just saying:rolleyes:


without some capitalism creating buisness and jobs and products ,just where do people think they will find jobs,,or is it better to depend on government to give everything by spreading the wealth around..that is socialism..the usa became the USA by capitalism..to think with out some hard work we are just owed a living and life is just LAZY to me. it sounds like entitlement...good luck with that.

I grew up in socialism till my 17, so I was mostly a kid and am not an expert on politics, but don´t think people in this system are lazy and have something for free even if not working, because everyone had to work - it was compulsory to have a job, otherwise you´d go to prison.. whereas in capitalism you don´t have to work if you don´t want to. But then you will have no money either, unless you´re on benefits.


If you can't work here in Norway, the government gives you 25,000 dollars a year + money for certain living expenses (rent, electricity, water and so on).

Having said that, stuff in Norway is much more expensive than in the states.

Wow! Yeah I know Scandinavian countries have it best :)
People just don't choose to not work. Sorry If u're on this forum and even you can't understand that. Lost my hope about other people on this issue.


Well-known member
i have seen PLENTY of people NOT work by choice....anyone who believes there are NO lazy people in this world have not seen all that many people.,,,sure there are lots that can't find work right now,but to think some don't work because they just don't want to or think they deserve a better job without working their way toward that,have not seen that many people then.:rolleyes:


i have seen PLENTY of people NOT work by choice....anyone who believes there are NO lazy people in this world have not seen all that many people.,,,sure there are lots that can't find work right now,but to think some don't work because they just don't want to or think they deserve a better job without working their way toward that,have not seen that many people then.:rolleyes:

Yes there are lazy people in the world. There will always be people who take advantage of whats given to them no matter what happens, thats the way people are, but its unfair to put in place a system reprimands and handicaps the weak even further just because of a few. The cycle of poverty is just that...a cycle. Its easy to generalize and say well that person is poor because he is lazy and expects handouts from society.

The problem with capitalism is that it divides and widens the gap between the rich and the poor and it it not fair....we all bleed red, we all deserve basic rights by virtue of being human and capitalism has a tendency to destroy that. I think the reason why a of of people (at least in my country) have an "in it for myself" mentality stems basically down to fear.

Its interesting too note that people who are against socialist tenets usually have the most to lose or have never been in a place desperate enough where no will help them.

You know I could go on and on about this.... :D
i have seen PLENTY of people NOT work by choice....anyone who believes there are NO lazy people in this world have not seen all that many people.,,,sure there are lots that can't find work right now,but to think some don't work because they just don't want to or think they deserve a better job without working their way toward that,have not seen that many people then.:rolleyes:

Obvious I'm talking about who needs to work.


Well-known member
i know plenty of poor people who are NOT lazy.i never said ALL poor people are lazy.i have seen poor people work for what they have and appreciate every thing they have,even if it's not as much as someone else has...

i am against socialism because IMO it makes people far to dependent on government instead of doing things for themself.it enables.

the gap between rich and poor has been around since the begining of time...there will ALWAYS be richer people then we are and there will ALWAYS be poorer people then we are.I am far from rich,but I just live within my means and do not believe i am owed other peoples money,it's a s simple as that...we all will not have the same belief system about things such as this and that is just life.

I have also seen poor people get ALL kinds of things for free(food stamps,subsidized housing,free school and luch,free medical and perks from income tax if they have kids called earned income credits,free chritmas gifts through community orgs,,this list can go on and on) while a working class middle income family work their ASS off just to get by,,they don't get all the free perks because they actually are working..go figure.

so as i stated I believe a state needs some capitalisim to create jobs ,people who become rich have the right to and socialism is NOT the American way.

there should come a point where people are responsible for what they have and do..I mean some people want a flat screen TV and a brand new car but want it handed to them...and would rather buy those things then pay their bills or work for them....if this is what people want,fine.it's just not how I chose to want to live.Be it populat opinion or not.


Well-known member
I have also seen poor people get ALL kinds of things for free(food stamps,subsidized housing,free school and luch,free medical and perks from income tax if they have kids called earned income credits,free chritmas gifts through community orgs,,this list can go on and on) while a working class middle income family work their ASS off just to get by,,they don't get all the free perks because they actually are working..go figure.
I have seen this, too, and it disappoints me a lot. The family two houses up from me have this. They are horrendous people but they get a lot of government grants, including that house they're in.


You are exactly right nafadda.

Also you can not rely on the government and people to look after you. You are supposed to grow up, get a job and live your life. Helping others is always good. You will always get wealthy people and poor people, that is life. You can not change what it is no matter what you say. I find a lot of people say things and don't follow what they say. Actions speak louder than words. You can sit behind a computer screen and moan about what is wrong with this world, well try and do something about it. :)


Yes there are lazy people in the world. There will always be people who take advantage of whats given to them no matter what happens, thats the way people are, but its unfair to put in place a system reprimands and handicaps the weak even further just because of a few. The cycle of poverty is just that...a cycle. Its easy to generalize and say well that person is poor because he is lazy and expects handouts from society.

The problem with capitalism is that it divides and widens the gap between the rich and the poor and it it not fair....we all bleed red, we all deserve basic rights by virtue of being human and capitalism has a tendency to destroy that. I think the reason why a of of people (at least in my country) have an "in it for myself" mentality stems basically down to fear.

Its interesting too note that people who are against socialist tenets usually have the most to lose or have never been in a place desperate enough where no will help them.

You know I could go on and on about this.... :D

Can you give me an example of what basic rights people don't get, say in our country NZ? I think the poor get enough over here. I think we have it lucky over here. Hundred of years ago people did not have what we have today. You don't need much to live. People make choices, its their choice in how they live and what they spend their money on. I've probably gone off topic here, but what really annoys me is people that moan about the rich vs the poor. Maybe people who are rich have done well and worked hard to get there. Also if you cant afford kids, well don't have them, that makes people poor. :)


I disagree with nafadda strongly. I do do something about it in the real world. I have been a political activist since about 17 and have done volunteer work in food banks, with the homeless and worked with habitat for humanity building community housing. I also have studied social science and the causes of poverty and inequality.

Its so easy to make broad sweeping generalized statements as long as its not happening to you.

Anyway another thread I am not going to participate in anymore because I am starting to feel a little bit annoyed.

*We are lucky compared to some countries, we are not a third world country I realize that. I also realize rich does not equal bad. I also believe in personal responsibility, effort and sensible choices.

But despite all of that, some people cannot get ahead. It has taken decades for basic workers rights that the proletariat has had to fight for and that we still need to protect (because the national govt is already taking away those rights) We have one of the highest rates of child poverty in the world. We have a minister of racing, but we dont have a minister for childrens affairs. All you need to do to see how bad things can really get is to get out and actually see it for yourself...and actually talk and understand a persons background and position as to why they are where they are in life.

anyway done now.
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I disagree with nafadda strongly. I do do something about it in the real world. I have been a political activist since about 17 and have done volunteer work in food banks, with the homeless and worked with habitat for humanity building community housing. I also have studied social science and the causes of poverty and inequality.

Its so easy to make broad sweeping generalized statements as long as its not happening to you.

Anyway another thread I am not going to participate in anymore because I am starting to feel a little bit annoyed.

Oh I see so when was the last political standing you did? When was the last time you did the volunteering work?

People are so fake these days, make out their Gods given gift. People that are good are the ones that are out their everyday making a change to their community. Donating food, money and giving their time to help those people, not all the political jargon. I donate things to people all the time. If people spent less time talking and more actions the world might be a better place. :)
(sorry but studying does not mean anything)


Well-known member
.... I am starting to feel a little bit annoyed.
me too.


Anyway, I think it´s sad and boring that people are all stuck with the belief that money has to be a part of everything - try imagining a life without money.
What the bleep is money anyway, it´s an abstract form of value.

Imagine a community or a small town where people help each other, give each other things/time/food/products/services, they exchange all these services without using money.

If it´s realistic or unrealistic is not really important.
If 2 people can do it, many more can do it.


Oh I see so when was the last political standing you did? When was the last time you did the volunteering work?

People are so fake these days, make out their Gods given gift. People that are good are the ones that are out their everyday making a change to their community. Donating food, money and giving their time to help those people, not all the political jargon. I donate things to people all the time. If people spent less time talking and more actions the world might be a better place. :)
(sorry but studying does not mean anything)

If studying doesnt mean anything then why do so many people do it?
I am doing a degree in social work starting in Feb.
Anyway now I am done.. sorry to derail the thread if thats what I did.
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