Well-known member
Can you give me an example of what basic rights people don't get, say in our country NZ? I think the poor get enough over here. I think we have it lucky over here. Hundred of years ago people did not have what we have today. You don't need much to live. People make choices, its their choice in how they live and what they spend their money on. I've probably gone off topic here, but what really annoys me is people that moan about the rich vs the poor. Maybe people who are rich have done well and worked hard to get there. Also if you cant afford kids, well don't have them, that makes people poor.![]()
i agree,why do people continue to have more and more children if they can not afford them?/ i mean i can see if it happens once,but after that .come on,people know what causes children,so take precautions and don't expect someone else to support them!there was a book called "it takes a village to raise a child"....i believe it takes the 2 parents being GOOD parents to raise that child!!!then the village may want to help..but they should not be forced to do it.
i mean a person can say all the good they do in the world and want others to know about it..i believe in the integrity quote.."integrity,when you do the RIGHT thing even when no one is watching"// do it because you want to .not because you want everyone to call you a martyr..i have no idea what everyone on here does ,no more then anyone knows what i have done in my life..i have NO need to talk about my every good deed in the's just that simple IMO.
also I am smart enough to know and UNDERSTAND that NOT everyone will feel the same way as I do.I have NO ill feelings against rich people or middle class or poor ,if they are at least trying and NOT just wanting a HAND OUT,A hand up is fine,a hand out after a while gets real old.
.People have a right to feel how they want to about issues,that does NOT mean they are wrong or right,it simply means they have the RIGHT to their opinion and some can even stand a good debate about an issue they believe in and don't get all mad if someone believes differently..thats called diversity in an adult conversation as far as I know.