Has this site really helped anyone?


Well-known member
According to my stats I've been here since September 09. Not sure if I've found it helpful, but it's interesting.


Not really, but its fun talking to people that don't reply to you with "go die you emo bitch.." or something along the line. Been on and off apparently... The site makes me mad sometimes though, too much negativity and posts that usually starts with, "I know how you feel..." It doesn't help that you can empathize with me. I need answers not feelings...

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Not really, but its fun talking to people that don't reply to you with "go die you emo bitch.." or something along the line. Been on and off apparently... The site makes me mad sometimes though, too much negativity and posts that usually starts with, "I know how you feel..." It doesn't help that you can empathize with me. I need answers not feelings...

Then would not answers come with the feelings? Would it not arise with experience in the matter? I mean, it certainly would be better than someone who has no idea what you are talking about at all. Knowing of a disorder in an objective sense bears no benefit to the person who has it.


Well-known member
Not really, but its fun talking to people that don't reply to you with "go die you emo bitch.." or something along the line. Been on and off apparently... The site makes me mad sometimes though, too much negativity and posts that usually starts with, "I know how you feel..." It doesn't help that you can empathize with me. I need answers not feelings...

Something I learned in marriage counseling: men usually want answers, women want to be understood. So for women I usually just tell them I understand, that I'm sorry they feel so down, etc. And for men I try to offer both...if I have any answers to offer that is :)


Well-known member
I think it helps to talk to people with similar experiences but i do feel like there are a lot of sugar coated responses. I think it is natural for people to try and make you feel better when your down but at the same time things that i might not want to hear would help me more. I dont blame anyone or anything im just saying. I also think that is just human nature to try and make people feel better but sometimes it pisses me off. I used to be really overweight and everytime i would say something about it people would respond by saying stuff like "no your not, you are fine" or something like that but the reality of the situation was that i was obese and people were trying to make me feel better. In retrospect, the people that were honest about it motivated me to lose the weight. I guess im just saying i wish people would tell it like it is on here and not try and comfort me.


Well-known member
Something I learned in marriage counseling: men usually want answers, women want to be understood. So for women I usually just tell them I understand, that I'm sorry they feel so down, etc. And for men I try to offer both...if I have any answers to offer that is :)

lmao that's so true. But I always say "I know how you feel" just because.. I really do... and as a girl, I guess that's something that I would want to hear myself so I assume it's comforting to other people. And I really can relate. I rarely have constructive advice to give people tho =/

And as far as this site helping? Yea it's helped me a lot. I mean maybe it hasn't solved my SA and depression and whatever else... but it's given me a place to vent and talk and be understood.. it's kept me company on these long cold lonely sleepless nights when I felt like I had no one else around. I have met a lot of wonderful people that are in the same boat as me and it really has made me feel a lot less alone. And afterall, loneliness and that empty feeling is one of the things that I suffer from the most. In fact some nights when I am feeling really suicidal I come here just to read posts to distract myself.. and I always leave feeling better. So yea.. it's not a cure for my problems... it's not the answer by far.. but it's support.. and sometimes that's all I need. Don't know what I would do without SPW. That's the truth. I love this site...


Well-known member
How long have you been here and do you find it helps you?


I signed up a few years ago but only started using the forum around october time last year. It's helped me to make new online friends who undertstand, and the support they give me is great and i really appreciate it. So yeah it's helped. :)

P.S Great name. :D


Super Moderator
It's been helpful, yes. I know it won't cure my problems, but it keeps me at company, i can be free to talk about things that other people don't understand (which leads them to treat me like sh*t), plus i've made a few good friends too...

I don't remember when I joined. I think it was 5 months ago after stalking the forums for a while. I've been here for a short time, but it feels like years.
Yes its helped me. Ive noticed an improvement in my S.A. from relating and talking to people. I think I really felt alone in some things, like I was the only one. Its a big eye opener how much of the same stuff we all go through and feel.


Well-known member
I think this site has helped me, sometimes it does do my head in, but i've been here for so long now that if it wasn't helping me in some way i would have given up on it a long time ago! Meeting people in the same situation as me has made me feel a lot less alone, before i found this place i had no one that truly understood how i was, it's nice to be around people who don't judge me!


Well-known member
I definitely identify with most everyones post on this site and that is nice. Especially when im in that phase where I believe "lonliness is not a phase" as layne staley once said. That being said, identifying with people doesnt help or cure the self hatred that fuels my anxiety. I apologize for being a negative nancy.


Well-known member
I'm not sure how long I've been here, but it's been over a year, I think. I guess this site has "helped" to the extent that I've seen a lot of posts I can relate to & it's good to know I'm not really completely alone. As for helping me get over SA, it definitely hasn't & I never expected it to. I don't understand why so many people get upset when they realize that this site & ones like it don't magically make their SA go away.
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I personally find it to be a distraction and a waste of time, but still post occasionally. It's obviously helped some people in some way(s), or at least that's what's being said by some posters here.

Been here a few years (re-re-edit. whoops).

This has been edited due to re-reading and reconsidering the thread title. What i had posted earlier was done with great haste while in a g00fy mood.
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Well-known member
I started at this site around November of last year and it has helped a great deal actually. I happened to stumble across it when Googling symptoms I had (unbeknown to me that it was SA) and found the stories completely relatable. After the advice of others given to me on here, I told my family and doctor about it and the rest is history.

Now I come back here to help others, vent my feelings when need be and say hi to all the people who helped me when I needed it :)


Well-known member
I've been coming for a few years. I found it comforting to know that I'm not the only with these problems and its always good to read how other people handle things.


Well-known member
It's too early for me to tell if it has helped. I joined last month. But I do find it comforting to be able to relate to people with similar problems.

My only issue is that it can be a bit of a distraction.