Has anyone rejected someone they liked?


Well-known member
yeah, I kinda did this morning, not really actively rejected but really trying to ignore someone I liked when they kept making eye contact and trying to talk to me.


Well-known member
Yes, I've shrugged off potential relationships with girls (initiated by them) that I've had crushes on before. I just never knew what to do or say to them.
Yeah, because I felt I wansn't good enough, like you said.... how many times?

More than I can count.... which is why I feel like crap about it :(

Somebody love me! :eek::D


Well-known member
A few months ago I was at my brother's house and there was this girl over. She asked me my name and I told her and she told me her name. I walked away because I got nervous and couldn't think of anything else to say.

I feel like she was kind of she was "coming onto me" or whatever, you know.

I don't really care about messing it up though because the girl didn't seem too interesting to me anyway.


Well-known member
yeh.. this professional MMA fighter than i know came into town a month or so ago and wanted to hang out.. but i chickened out and ended up telling him i had other plans =/ i was really intimidated and scared i'd panic and whatnot.. he's quite the looker and he fights ATT, that's kind of a big deal! lmao


Well-known member
It's not that I reject women I like, it's that I purposely make myself look like a bad person to want to be with. I purposely don't do the right gentlemanly things for some reason even though I think about them and know that if I do it, I'll make the woman happy and want to be with me...


Well-known member
e few times yea .....probably most of us on here have mate , male and female ....


Yeah, quite a few times. To be honest i just did it recently, without actually meaning to, just started freezing up when around her, not talking as much, now she seems to have lost interest. this is what always happens once i get close to someone, i just get super anxious when around them and ruin it aghhh.


Well-known member
It's not that I reject women I like, it's that I purposely make myself look like a bad person to want to be with. I purposely don't do the right gentlemanly things for some reason even though I think about them and know that if I do it, I'll make the woman happy and want to be with me...
Not always, Being a gentleman is overrated !;)


Well-known member

It's awful. And almost each time I continue to think about that person and wonder what could have happened. But, I just worry that things won't end up working out. I worry the person won't like me. And I blame the person and myself equally for that. Myself for being so strange sometimes and the person for not liking me for who I am (even though I didn't give them a change to get to know me).


Well-known member
I kinda of have and it was mostly because they had someone else ask me if I would go out with them or that they like me. The fact that they didn't ask me themselves is a huge turn off and my crush on them just dies :(


Well-known member
To be honest... Not really. I mean there was a time before me and my ex Anna went out that I'd avoid her because I knew she was out of my league. But eventually we got together... And it was happy... Till a couple monthes later when she dumped me. But I havent rejected anyone for those reasons.


Well-known member
I haven't ever been close enough to anyone to know if they were interested.

If anyone showed an interest now, I would say no, I'm not interested in that kind of thing. Unlikely that I would get any interest at 47 years old anyway, thank goodness.