Happy to have anxiety


Well-known member
anyone else feel this way? Like it sucks more than anything having panic attacks and anxiety, but at the same time, I am slowly realizing that I wouldn't have ever known this much about myself and my own mind if it hadn't been torn down in this fashion. Anyone feel the same? or am I just weird?


Well-known member
Yes I relate a lot. I appreciate attention a lot more, I feel less alone when I am alone because i'm used to it when a lot of other people are flat out miserable when alone, I've had a lot more revelations...had more time to develop and to think and to know where and what I want from life, i'm more in tune in general with the world, and even though it's anxiety ridden, when I do get positive attention, I get almost a rush with it. And I mean i'll never not have a goal, right? And a reason to live keeps me alive.


Well-known member
I'm not happy to have it but I'm aware of the fact that since I've had it for a large part of my youth up to now it has been an important element in forming who I am. Wishing I would never have had it is like wishing myself away.

Obviously right now I wish I could get rid of it.


Well-known member
It's nice to be introspective sometimes. I like being a loner for the most part. I notice that the only person to really bug me about it is my mother (who thinks that getting outside more would truly help me), but aside from that I'm more or less content to live the life I do.
To a certain extend. :3 It has thought me things I wouldn't have learned otherwise. But nobody's life is truly careless, so I think that even if we were all 'normal', as they call it, we'd still have negative experiences in our life's of which we would have learned valuable life's lessons. Perhaps less deep lessons, but valuable lessons all the same. ;3


Well-known member
Haha, sadly yes. I'm getting old and I've grown to accept the pain anxiety gives, but at the same time giving respect to what it does to me. Being highly reactive and introspective is not always a bad thing. There's a certain power to being able to change in an instant and being able to analyze things in intimate detail. I look at my counterparts who are emotionally devoid and anxiety free and I notice how everything is viewed on the surface, how they easily forget unless its an emergency, and how they can't seem to change significantly at all. Is it all worth the pain? Probably not.


Well-known member
Wow, actually you're perfectly right. I never would have explored any aspects of myself if my anxiety didn't force me to. When I was younger I sort of avoided thinking about my problems, but when my problems began to take over my life in the form of anxiety I had to think about them and I know that I am capable of feeling better than I ever could have without it.


Well-known member
I'm not happy being like this at all. I like being alone most of the time though.


Well-known member
I definitely don't feel that way at all. I'm 28 years old, have never had a job, never been in a relationship, never done much of anything, & all because of anxiety, panic & fear.
I'm a very naturally introverted person & I truly believe that even without the anxiety, the things I like about myself would still be there, despite that.


Well-known member
i cant say im happy to have it because it makes me so disabled but somehow it makes me kind of a special person to everyone. I still remember on my first day going to high school, my class had a small introduction: some students went up in front of the class and told the class about one another student that he or she knew. And I coulndt believe there was a girl introduced about me because I never talked to anyone. She said i was very shy and she wanted everyone in the class help me to be less shy. It made me happy. She studied with me in a summer course before but I had never talked a to her. I still remebered the teacher for that summer class always ask me why I didnt talk and she sometimes called me to clean the board in front of the class and then everyone was laughing to see how i was weird when cleaning the board because I was nervous. I always thought everyone viewed me as a weird, crazy person, never expected that I could hear those words from a person that I didnt really know


Well-known member
Falkor: I knew he would be safe.

Engywook: Nonsense ! You don't understand anything! The worst one is coming up. Next is the Magic Mirror gate. Atreyu has to face his true self.

Falkor: So what? That won't be too hard for him.

Engywook: Oh! That's what everyone thinks. But kind people find that they are cruel, brave men discover that they are really cowards. Confronted with their true selves most men run away screaming!

YouTube - The Neverending Story - Part 6/9