Happy Endings


Well-known member
A lot of times I tend to forget all the people around me who care, I let my problems become this wave over my head that I can't control because I don't talk about how I'm feeling with everyone. But I've been feeling incredibly lonely and down on myself, worse than I've ever been before.

Thanks to the help of all the wonderful people on this forum, with two key people I'd like to mention..Kat and Paula, you allowed me to explain my feelings before they progressed into something worse, which I fear they were headed.

You all are wonderful people and I can't thank you enough for your amazing support :)

Well, we are very lucky to have you here:) and I know it’s not the same as having real life friends, but just having people show that someone cares gives you some hope, that they’re out there.

We just have to try and not destroy ourselves along the way::eek:: and be patient until we cross paths with them. :)
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Well-known member
Relationship with a girl in class is starting, unsure whether it might lead to dating - but she seems to like me and might have been sending me signals, after just three classes. This is the farthest I've really gone with a girl before in real life and not something online.

I find myself believing in myself a lot more, relaxes just being myself. Not caring if I draw attention to myself. Had other girls hitting on me or interacting with me and I interact back over the past three weeks. I don't know what it is, just - if I'm able to hold onto this "whatever happens - happens, screw it" motto - I've found my rope to freedom.
Wow, that's absolutely brilliant, well done hun, you kick ass hehe

OMG!!! Only lost 3lbs!! cales were wrong... still something though.

Oooh and i told my mother id SA after she said "you should take some happy pills", outta the blue! AND she didnt accuse me of being a hypochondriac - it actually made perfect sense to her - though she still seems to think pills will sort it.


Well-known member
Kitty said:
Me and troy have devised a plan that we will always miss the heat. We will go there when it's hot here and come back when it's hot there. It may not happen but we will keep hope.

Whatever happens, our hearts know where home is.:)


Well-known member
OMG!!! Only lost 3lbs!! cales were wrong... still something though.

Oooh and i told my mother id SA after she said "you should take some happy pills", outta the blue! AND she didnt accuse me of being a hypochondriac - it actually made perfect sense to her - though she still seems to think pills will sort it.

Exactly, losing 3lbs is better than putting 3lbs on lol keep at it hun :)

And that's great about your mum, for her to take it so well she must have had her suspicions before, but hopefully now that she knows you'll be able to talk to her a bit more about it!


Well-known member
Relationship with a girl in class is starting, unsure whether it might lead to dating - but she seems to like me and might have been sending me signals, after just three classes. This is the farthest I've really gone with a girl before in real life and not something online.

I find myself believing in myself a lot more, relaxes just being myself. Not caring if I draw attention to myself. Had other girls hitting on me or interacting with me and I interact back over the past three weeks. I don't know what it is, just - if I'm able to hold onto this "whatever happens - happens, screw it" motto - I've found my rope to freedom.

Hold on tight and I'm sure things will only keep looking better for you :)


Well-known member
I was at my nans over the weekend and we went out for a meal in a pub resturant and it was packed! so am nervous, and there was a couple next to us who kept looking our way which made me paranoid, and to top it all off when my dad went outside for a cigarette he banged on the window and done a little dance while everyone turned round and looked then looked back at me! ::eek:: and well ... i actually enjoyed myself! and my dad made me and everyone laugh so that wasn't too bad! So that was a successful public place social exposure therapy thingymajiggy!
1. I'm moving house - going to view one tomorrow with my two best mates - cheap, and probably a kip - but we can do it up!

2. I found out, that when I left my friends house the other day her brother was asking why I left so early and said "She's welcome up here anytime." and it seems he genuinely likes me from what she's saying. Might text him next week!

3. I met this amazing gay guy who has become a great friend in the space of two days - or so he says! Had such a laugh with him. Says I'm one of the nicest genuine people he's ever met.

4. Psychic told me some cool things that seem to be coming true.

5. Skins is back on TV.

Not only am I down to 248 lbs, but my boyfriend surprised me night before last with a trip to the beach, AND I'm not pregnant, lol. Lots of happy endings. :)
High Grade, chocolate milk, chips, and Ben and Jerrys New York Super Fudge Chunk ice cream have made my night magical mmmmm


Well-known member
Congrats to you all :)

I must have missed this stuff towards the end of my thread, I usually stay pretty updated with it. My apologies guys. Deadhead..Cherry Garcia, no pun intended is the best Ben and Jerry's when you're in need of a...snack.
Congrats to you all :)

I must have missed this stuff towards the end of my thread, I usually stay pretty updated with it. My apologies guys. Deadhead..Cherry Garcia, no pun intended is the best Ben and Jerry's when you're in need of a...snack.

I know, I love that one too and came so close to choosing it haha


Well-known member
I had a very silly conversation with my best friend whom I haven't spoken to in awhile. First time in the past few days i had tears in my eyes any they weren't from crying but from full on laughing until your sides hurt.:D