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How come guys crying is highly unacceptable for society to handle. Yeah, I know that it's rarely seen of guys crying (In fact, I have yet to see a guy crying in front of me) What I also get confused is that guys are allowed to cry when a death occurs in the family , emotional movie, but when he gets hurt or cries easily, others see that as being a wuss. What is a wuss? Why do those terms wuss, pussy, cry baby, have to define him as that way. It's obvious that it is emotional pain, not because he is a baby. I don't like people who say that, some people can just have a tend to cry more and can't help it. Or, unless others are just being insensitive to care for the other. And, also, when most women say that they feel like they are the man or they feel like the the guy is being a wuss just because he likes poetry and because he HAS feelings. I wish there were more guys out there that are sympathetic and caring, hell, I'd kill to have the girl's boyfriends. Literally, I saw a post on a website that said her boyfreind cries all the time about bad things like breaking up, or he misses her, or if they are in a long distance relationship. She says he also writes poetry but states that as non masculine. WTF? What did you want then. The usual, typical macho guy to not give a damn of your feelings and be an emotionless robot. Also, there was another one that said My boyfriend is exactly the same way and it bugs me too. My father never cried, even when he was in agony from the cancer that killed him, but my boyfriend starts tearing up during Hallmark commercials. Last week he had a bad headache so he went and got an MRI which showed nothing and cost $800 out of pocket. The doctor then said he probably has a sinus infection. This week I was getting over a cold but I decided not to see him because if he caught it he'd probably check himself into a sanitarium and put himself on the list for a lung transplant. He also gets the crazy depressions, and sometimes we'll be hanging out, just fine, and he'll start crying talking about what a horrible selfish human being he is and how he doesn't deserve to be with anyone and he's a failure. Boo hoo poor me. It is exhausting at times. And he writes poetry too. He makes me read it and it's really bad.
I love him anyway, but like you, I have days when I'm not quite sure how much more I can put up with it. Last week besides the MRI he decided he has PTSD and then informed me that he's quitting smoking so he's going to be really emotional. I'm reading these texts thinking, "Um, more emotional than usual?" 'cause honestly, I'd rather if he smoked.
She'd be lucky if he hasn't yet caught the post she wrote about him. I bet she isn't ashamed of herself to have written those unthoughtful statements she made. I'd be devestated to live if someone wrote that about me. And what questions me is that they still live together and she loves him, but this girl is not only damn insensitive and coming off as a jerk at that, but she was even foolish and stupid to post that about her poor boyfriend. I wouldn't blame him if broke up with her. No wonder the poor thing must be so miserable. What a shame. I don't know. Agian, girls can like what they want in guys (whatever it could be) but I think they should really pay attention to how they think about their situations a bit more and understand that these aren't the everyday guys they are likely to see. Just wanted to vent out some thoughts here, but maybe I am the only one who feels like this.
I love him anyway, but like you, I have days when I'm not quite sure how much more I can put up with it. Last week besides the MRI he decided he has PTSD and then informed me that he's quitting smoking so he's going to be really emotional. I'm reading these texts thinking, "Um, more emotional than usual?" 'cause honestly, I'd rather if he smoked.
She'd be lucky if he hasn't yet caught the post she wrote about him. I bet she isn't ashamed of herself to have written those unthoughtful statements she made. I'd be devestated to live if someone wrote that about me. And what questions me is that they still live together and she loves him, but this girl is not only damn insensitive and coming off as a jerk at that, but she was even foolish and stupid to post that about her poor boyfriend. I wouldn't blame him if broke up with her. No wonder the poor thing must be so miserable. What a shame. I don't know. Agian, girls can like what they want in guys (whatever it could be) but I think they should really pay attention to how they think about their situations a bit more and understand that these aren't the everyday guys they are likely to see. Just wanted to vent out some thoughts here, but maybe I am the only one who feels like this.
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