so... kihira's turn to be "cryptic"?
so... kihira's turn to be "cryptic"?
Three little birds fly away, away, and another one tumbles after. What's a mother hen to do?
"gran torino"?
Here's mine: "Man visits his wife in another city and has the worst Christmas he can imagine"
Three little birds fly away, away, and another one tumbles after. What's a mother hen to do?
"lord of the rings"!
Black Hawk Down has little birds and tumbles?
The Karate Kid?High school student hoodwinked into gratuitous odd-jobs by US Army MoH veteran
Cryptic? Who, me?^hmmm...Houston, we have a cryptic problem.
Nope, this one's a little more earthy.Maybe Apollo 13?
"homeward bound IV: the one with birds and a mother hen"?
A war-weary veteran returns from overseas only to face death again closer to home.
Haven't a clue, but I'll have a punt with The Manchurian Candidate (1962)