drat! "murder by death"?
closer, but no
drat! "murder by death"?
"chinatown"? (wait... was he a private ****, or a cop?)
Richard Roundtree? Shaft?No. PI with the initials RR
there may be a red, but it's not shoes. (hah! my turn to use vague clues!)
Richard Roundtree? Shaft?
Incorrect. The character's initials are RR, the actor's are SM
Yes!Oops. h: In that case . . .
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid.
If not a red shoe, could it be a red Ford?
And my clues were not vague. They were cryptic.
cryptic... vague... it's all the same. they're both words... with letters... and meanings.
"Society" man (Self Preservation Society, Michael Caine), unstirred (out of prison), goes for the gold, but another triumphs. (What a (Noel) coward!)
The Italian Job (1969)??
:sad: i hate you.
Of course there is. One Natty Light comin' up! :brindis:is there beer in the fridge, though?