now thats the problem with girls on this site

, they takes ages b4 they post there pics , saying oh i hate myself im not happy with this or that about myself , then when you see them you think wtf , theres nothing wrong with you

there really ok , and i do think to myself sometimes were does all the self hatred come from , but then having said that i dont know whats hapened in there lives to make them feel like that , i do know iv read a lot of bad stories on here , about child hood upbringing , maybe thats were a lot of it stems from ....... or being bullied at school ect ect , i think what happens in your school or very young years can affect you for the rest of your life :

: just be nice if people can be nice to eachother full stop , but the world isnt like that , hence sites like spw ......... all a bit sad really ..... but i will say this spw people try to forget the bad stuff

just get on with your life and try to forget it even happend ....... dunno what else to say really ......