*Girls* post your pics


not actually Fiona Apple

Cool Hair. :)


Well-known member
I'm kind of hesitant to post a picture of me but *deep breath* here goes nothing >.<


I'm pale-complected so that's why I pretty much look like a glow stick in this picture xD
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Well-known member
hell ya no problem girly!! :) your pretty also and maybe just a tad of makeup you would look stunning ;)

To be honest, I've only worn make-up about five times my entire life.
Lately though I've been considering wearing some, but I don't know what would look good on me.
Would you happen to have any suggestions? :confused:


Well-known member
I like the 'smoky eye' look the best and it gets all the guys heads turning. Put your eyeliner on both top and bottom of the eye and then a charcoal colored eye shadow and then to make your eyes really pop, use some mascara. I use physicians formula brand makeup and it is REALLY pricey but its the best in my opinion. hope i helped. heres a pic of the smoky eye look


Wow that really does look stunning! :eek:
Thanks a billion~ I'll look into it for sure :)
I'm kind of hesitant to post a picture of me but *deep breath* here goes nothing >.<


I'm pale-complected so that's why I pretty much look like a glow stick in this picture xD

I have no words. This language, English, with its millions of words.
Terrible at this I am. I know it.

Perhaps I should stick with what I can say. You look fine to me.
^I meant him posting his picture in this thread ;) teehee xD

Yeah you should post your pic Sial - would love to see what you look like, though it doesn't matter to me anyway :)
^I meant him posting his picture in this thread ;) teehee xD

Yeah you should post your pic Sial - would love to see what you look like, though it doesn't matter to me anyway :)

Well, when he does, where ever, I might. I've already begun to counter my paranoid parrot. Figure only system holding me back is time.


Well-known member
^ so when are you gonna post your pic Tiercel? I bet you're hotter than that scharzinger chick :p Right? :D

1) I'm not a girl.

2) I don't know what happened to that girl from high school who has a picture of me in a dress. I really wish I had a copy of that pic. I thought it fit me rather nicely.