*Girls* post your pics


Well-known member
Because I look extremely ordinary and boring. And let's be honest, it's not just personality that counts.

Well most people look ordinary so I dont think you should think about that :)

About being boring. Actually often the most interesting people are the ones who thinks they are the most boring and the most boring/lame people are the ones who things they are gods gift to humanity and especially women.

Personality is probably the most important thing you have, because that is yours and yours only. Everyone can buy some cool clothes or something similar to change their appearance. But to change your personality is much harder.

You should believe more in yourself because I am sure you have a chance with girls. You just have to find the right one:)
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Because I look extremely ordinary and boring. And let's be honest, it's not just personality that counts.

Well most people look ordinary so I dont think you should think about that :)

About being boring. Actually often the most interesting people are the ones who thinks they are the most boring and the most boring/lame people are the ones who things they are gods gift to humanity and especially women.

Personality is probably the most important thing you have, because that is yours and yours only. Everyone can buy some cool clothes or something similar to change their appearance. But to change your personality is much harder.

You should believe more in yourself because I am sure you have a chance with girls. You just have to find the right one:)

Personality is different.



Well-known member
Because I look extremely ordinary and boring. And let's be honest, it's not just personality that counts.

Don't worry about it. There are people that are ugly and boring, and who's personality you don't want to count *cough cough*

But then again there are people who look amazing and have an incredible personality.


Well-known member
Because I look extremely ordinary and boring. And let's be honest, it's not just personality that counts.

Hmm...well, we all have our ordinary and boring moments. Even the most beautiful women do. Anyway, a man doesn't have to be drop dead gorgeous to be attractive.


Well-known member
Yeah, confidence, eh? Reassuring :D

Well, a person can at least try. I could appreciate if a man wasn't confident, but still made an effort. My husband wasn't confident when we first met, he didn't think that I could possibly like him. In fact, he told me that he was very nervous around me. He just didn't let his insecurity get to him.
Well, a person can at least try. I could appreciate if a man wasn't confident, but still made an effort. My husband wasn't confident when we first met, he didn't think that I could possibly like him. In fact, he told me that he was very nervous around me. He just didn't let his insecurity get to him.

I have been reading your posts. You seem able to provide advice in a calm matter. As well as take others' remarks with calm. Maybe I have not read enough.


What would you say to one who has difficulty expressing? I have an excellent poker face to internal feelings. Which may leave a feeling of not wanting to be approached in others. Perhaps this is not the correct thread for this. No matter, it's out.


Well-known member
I have been reading your posts. You seem able to provide advice in a calm matter. As well as take others' remarks with calm. Maybe I have not read enough.


Believe me, it's not a talent. ::p: I sometimes have to take a deep breath before posting and also read over what I've written to make sure I'm being nice. That's what I love about posting online. I get a few moments to compose myself before saying anything. Being online helps when I have to vent. I'll vent in a post and delete it once I'm calm. After I've calmed down, I'll start a new message and submit it.

What would you say to one who has difficulty expressing? I have an excellent poker face to internal feelings. Which may leave a feeling of not wanting to be approached in others. Perhaps this is not the correct thread for this. No matter, it's out.

I'll tell you my secret if you tell me yours. I wish I could keep a poker face because my emotion shows right through and I hate it.
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Well-known member
Some Halloween party pics.

I know elves don't wear glasses, pretend I'm a Final Fantasy elf. -_-


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Well-known member
They are latex ears, glued them on with spirit gum, covered the seams with some liquid flesh latex and coverup....also put ear cuffs on. Thanks. :)

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Some Halloween party pics.

I know elves don't wear glasses, pretend I'm a Final Fantasy elf. -_-

I think I must have misunderstood this whole American Halloween thing. I'd thought the idea was to dress up to look scary and frightening, but now I can only imagine that the goal is to look as beautiful and bewitching as possible.

(And those ears really suit you. ;))


Well-known member
I think I must have misunderstood this whole American Halloween thing. I'd thought the idea was to dress up to look scary and frightening, but now I can only imagine that the goal is to look as beautiful and bewitching as possible.

(And those ears really suit you. ;))

Haha *blush*

Thanks so much! Halloween you can dress however! It is a free for all. :)

Next year I think I'll be a Vulcan, with these ears. I like em.