Getting laid diary


Well-known member
No deal? Except desire to f*** every pretty girl seen for the last 10+ years.

Yep exactly,
It just makes me feel unhappy and left out knowing that it happens to other people and not me. And when people say things like get out there and go for it, Is it referring to going to pubs and clubs? Even if it is that doesn't solve anything for me because people are always in groups, it feels to awkward to talk to people who are with other people they know. Here's what would probably happen if I tried that: I walk in, stand there by myself for a bit looking around, and then leave. what am I supposed to do? I wish I could achieve it through just being out in the public everyday, and it not having to be done in special places such as pubs, in which it wouldn't happen for me anyway, but I always feel as if random girls wouldn't want me to talk to them in a shop or the street because how do I know if I'm attractive to them? Its so frustrating seeing them all on display, but not feeling allowed, or being able to do anything. Its as if im being teased all the time
Great post by marinko. What he described is pretty much what CBT is like. I also recommend the audio tape series "overcoming social anxiety". it's the same concept but very detailed and step by step. you can google it and download it by the torrent.


Well-known member
Question: So when does "loosing your virginity" become a big deal? I noticed someone had mentioned that he's only 20, it isn't a big deal? What if he was 40, will that be a big deal then? At what age does it become a big deal?

I can tell you that it was and still is a big deal since I was 10 years old.... I have obsessed and dreamed about sex and gorgeous females and beautiful bodies, to the point where frustration becomes so intense that I begin to cry... I suppose it's depression, but none-the-less. The emotions are real, and very very intense. One of the many therapists that I have had, told me that I have "sexual obsessive compulsive disorder"... Maybe I do? But being a virgin, how the heck is that even possible? I thought it was the gift of being a man with testosterone flowing in my veins.... Weird?


I will never understand this fascination or need for sex.

Like a lot of women want to know people think they're beautiful, I guess men get that since of self beauty knowing that attractive women would want them physically. It probably wouldn't have the same effect if the only people that were into us look like they got hit by an exploding truck. Anyway, I'm glad this old post came up I learned quite a bit. ;)


Well-known member
Yeah, it's not really a big deal to get laid. I didn't lose my virginity until 19, and it isn't as if my life is any better. I had regular sex during college and the few years after. But at this point, it's been about over 2 years since I've gotten any. It'd be nice to get laid ASAP, but I have bigger issues to deal with.

1. Find a new STABLE job
2. Save more money
3. Find a better place to live
4. Start looking for a relationship again

And just based on how things are, the first three would probably take at least 2 more years to accomplish. Eeek. I'm in for a long bumpy and lonely road!


Well-known member
Talk about me being a looser? Soooo, count your blessings, you could be me!

iamtherna,if u feel like this why don't u pay and finally find out what sex is??
Maybe it's the only thing that can make you realise that sex is not's just a little idea f******g with your head!
And if you stop calling yourself looser will probably help:)
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