Getting laid diary


Well-known member
iamtherna,if u feel like this why don't u pay and finally find out what sex is??
Maybe it's the only thing that can make you realise that sex is not's just a little idea f******g with your head!
And if you stop calling yourself looser will probably help:)

SA keeps me single, and virginal too.... That's my problem, I'm trapped between desire / lust and having SA. Frustration and depression sets in... It's complicated. Living with your mother at the ripe old age of 40, I would call myself a looser for just that.
SA keeps me single, and virginal too.... That's my problem, I'm trapped between desire / lust and having SA. Frustration and depression sets in... It's complicated. Living with your mother at the ripe old age of 40, I would call myself a looser for just that.

I think what he means is why don't you find a prostitute?

I was thinking of the same thing. If you're too obsessed with sex for your own good then maybe you can do some "exposure therapy" and find out that it's not such a big deal?


If you're desperate to get laid because society says "you should", than you probably won't. Just let it come naturally! Some people die virgins (I'm not joking!).


Well-known member
My first time was with a prostitute. I honestly think if I hadn't got that out of the way, I never would have been able to have a proper sexual relationship with a woman (which I ended up having a little while later).

Mind you, going through with something as nerve-wracking as having sex with someone you don't know can be counterproductive. I get a HUGE confidence boost from doing it, but after a few days, feelings of self-loathing can creep in - because basically it's all a sham, it's not real sex and you're only with a woman because you paid for it.

But then I've had sex with a LOT of prostitutes. I'd say just do it once, get it out of the way and things will look a bit different.

Oh, and I'm not quite 40, but I still live at home and I don't consider myself a loser - well, not ALL the time ::p:


Well-known member
I'm more bothered about finding a girl who will love me and cuddle up with me each night than my virginity.

The thing about using a prostitute is that you know that you paid for it and it's just a job for her and you also run the risk of catching diseases even if you wear a condom. Another thing is that your money is probably going to her pimp and possibly her drug habit.


Well-known member
The thing about using a prostitute is that you know that you paid for it and it's just a job for her .

some people that never had sex make it such a big deal and it becomes an obsession.i used to be like that.The point of going to a prostitute for someone that is virgin is to get it out of his mind and to relax and see that sex without feelings is simply nothing and it's not worth worrying about..


Well-known member
I'm more bothered about finding a girl who will love me and cuddle up with me each night than my virginity.

Yes, me too. However, a small step towards achieving that is a certain amount of self confidence and getting your first time out of the way is quite good at making you easier about the whole thing. It won't be good. Chances are, it'll be awkward and embarrassing . But at least it's out of the way, and you'll be better prepared for your PROPER first time.

The thing about using a prostitute is that you know that you paid for it and it's just a job for her and you also run the risk of catching diseases even if you wear a condom. Another thing is that your money is probably going to her pimp and possibly her drug habit.

I tend to get into trouble on this subject - I had to quit one Forum as my situation became untenable, so I'll chose my words VERY carefully!

Yes, prostitution is a very exploitative business with many, many casualties. If you're going to go cruising for a streetwalker, you're undoubtably going to be exposed to disease, drugs and pimping as well as all kinds of misery.

However, it's actually quite easy (especially in the age of the internet) to meet genuine independant women who actually care about their job and are more "together" than the average person. I know this from personal experience.


Well-known member
I think what he means is why don't you find a prostitute?

I was thinking of the same thing. If you're too obsessed with sex for your own good then maybe you can do some "exposure therapy" and find out that it's not such a big deal?

My point is, that social anxiety keeps me single out of fear... panic... etc... hiring a prostitute would mean that I have to approach someone, and get naked in front of someone a perfect stranger no less... I think about it now, and I would rather bathe in acid and run through a house fire than to be in a social situation such as getting it on with a prostitute. It is something that I feel that I can't do, out of fear. If I could ask a prostitute for her services, then I wouldn't be single... I would be married, with 2 kids, and a white picket fence, and the world would be great...


Active member
I've never been to a prostitute but I've heard they're too loud and complain too much. So unless I'm like REALLY desperate, I'm skipping that option. :p


Prostitutes are dirty ugh! The average one prolly has more diseases than the medical dictionary.


Well-known member
Prostitutes are dirty ugh! The average one prolly has more diseases than the medical dictionary.

Hey some are forced into it with no other option. as as somebody said earlier they are people too.

The oldest Profession in the world, And to them it's just work. no strings attached.


Well-known member
I've never been to a prostitute but I've heard they're too loud and complain too much. So unless I'm like REALLY desperate, I'm skipping that option. :p

The whole prostitute option is a tricky one.

Where do you find the prostitute? Since prostitution is illegal, it probably will take some searching to find one and you'll be breaking the law.

After you find her, you'll need the nerve to actually go through with it, have the money and find a place. stds are a huge possibility and it will be a business transaction, there won't be any feeling on the part of either person.

You can only lose it once and it might feel really good at the time, but you'll look back and have a feeling of desperation just to get rid of it, and I understand that, but it won't be a happy memory with a prostitute.

On the other hand, being a virgin is like a loser stamp on your forehead...


Well-known member
The whole prostitute option is a tricky one.

Where do you find the prostitute? Since prostitution is illegal, it probably will take some searching to find one...

Nah, it's the simplest thing in the world to organise. Simply type "Escort + [your home town]" into Google and you'll have plenty of options!

After you find her, you'll need the nerve to actually go through with it, have the money and find a place. stds are a huge possibility...

I've got a LOT to say on this and only a small amount of time (I'm at work at the moment! ::p:). A place won't be a problem (women tend to work from home) and the whole STD thing is not an issue. Seriously, I think people tend to misunderstand what goes on with "sexual transactions". There's not a lot of opportunity to pick anything up because you're put in a condom at the earliest opportunity and there is NO real contact other than the obvious.

More later!


Well-known member
On the other hand, being a virgin is like a loser stamp on your forehead...

<Checks mirror....looking at forehead> Is it really that obvious? Dang it anyhow.... Loser, written in bold black ink, just like you said.


Well-known member
I'm 21 mean become a wedding crasher, like the movie?:D

Dude, that movie rocks! It was funny when they started crashing funeral's and they were still able to pick up women.... Amazing, only in movies....

Well, at least you are still young in your early 20's. You still have plenty of time. It could be worse, you could be me in your 40's. I have shot myself in the foot so many times, that I don't hardly have any feet left...