Gamers thread


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For the most part-- the first game was scarier (second game is harder) because you don't know what's coming.

In silent hill, you could always tell when **** was about to hit the fan.
So, in that aspect... Dead Space is probably scarier.
I spent a weekend in the dark watching my 'boyfriend' play it on our bigscreen with surround sound-- so, I think that was the right atmosphere.
My motorskills aren't the greatest, so I tend to watch rather than play most of the time.

Spent alot of time watching game playthroughs and still do because I don't have the money to buy games now.


Well-known member
I hated Dead Space 1. I only played it for an hour and it's been collecting dust ever since. I bought Dead Space 2 for $20 a month ago and haven't played it yet, along with FEAR3, Bioshock 2, and 4 or 5 other games I haven't gotten around to...

I recently finished Tomb Raider Trilogy. WONDERFUL games, and at times EXTREMELY difficult/challenging.

I bought Chrono Trigger on PSN and have put 3 hours into it so far. I won't be getting to my backlog until I beat this game for the 3rd time (first time not on SNES)


Motherwolff's newest games are Michael Jackson the Experience and Kinect Adventures. Motherwolff doesn't care to much for the latter but the former is pretty good. Although there are some disappointing things about it. For example, there is no online connectivity. Motherwolff hasn't played it all that much actually but it can be challenging and fun all at once. Plus Motherwolff loves MJ.
I hated Dead Space 1. I only played it for an hour and it's been collecting dust ever since. I bought Dead Space 2 for $20 a month ago and haven't played it yet, along with FEAR3, Bioshock 2, and 4 or 5 other games I haven't gotten around to...

I recently finished Tomb Raider Trilogy. WONDERFUL games, and at times EXTREMELY difficult/challenging.

I bought Chrono Trigger on PSN and have put 3 hours into it so far. I won't be getting to my backlog until I beat this game for the 3rd time (first time not on SNES)

I semi-hate Dead Space. There are parts I dearly love of it, but the one thing I hate is that it gets all it's fear educing moments out of monsters jumping out at you unexpected. Then just abuse that WAY TOO MUCH.

I mean, I like a scare moment that that nearly takes your heart out as much as the next guy, but not in every damn room you enter. It's not even scary anymore, it's mostly just annoying.


Well-known member
that game looks cool. I was a few hours into 3D Dot Game Heroes, quit that, started Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, quit that after 4 days, got Ico & Shadow of the Colossus HD in the mail yesterday, haven't opened it. I get bored with games way before getting close to beating them. The only game I constantly come back to and play more than anything else is Gran Turismo 5. I've also been playing Chrono Trigger a lot since it came out on PSN but has godawful load times like the PS1 port.


Spent the entire afternoon playing Rage and still so many games left to beat. Now Batman is coming out tomorrow. Theres not enough hours in the day! Plus my bum hurts now


Well-known member
Beat Assassin's Creed Brotherhood the other day. Fantastic series, can't wait for the new one.

Now I'm trying to get through F3AR. It's a lot like Call of Duty and not enough like Fear 1. I really don't care about shooting a ton of bad guys while hiding in cover and whatnot. I just want to be scared.
Well, thank god Batman came out last week; it's just enough to tide me over until Skyrim can be mine!

Has anyone heard anything new about Diablo 3? I love me some WoW, but but it's so beyond time for Blizzard to get a move on releasing Diablo!
omg it's so cool:) I completely lost track of time playing it over the weekend but it was so worth it
Isn't that the best though when you totally loose track of time? I mean, I'm rarely happier than the days I spend lost in a video game! That's probably the SA talking, but playing video games is so much more enjoyable than being around people like 95% of the time.


Well-known member

I'm an attention whore.

Does anyone here play Minecraft? I've been wanting to set up a server to play around on with a few other people, but for obvious reasons I'm lacking people to play with.

Would anyone be interested in a SPW server?