Gamers thread


Well-known member
Anybody else going crazy waiting for Bioshock Infinite?

Great series. The first game had an amazingly intense and unique story. The second, it became somewhat old. Looking forward to seeing how the above ocean thing will play out. The series never really excited me. Just picked up the games for some solid entertainment.

Now Skyrim and Diablo 3, that's a different story.


Well-known member
How good it is? long time no play Battlefiled, maybe I'll play this one.

it's pretty good so far , currently playing the campaign , it's a pretty realistic experience with top notch graphics , animations and sounds , it's getting closer to looking like a movie.But the multiplayer is where the real fun is at , going to jump in right after i beat the campaign


Well-known member
I hear BF3 is kinda buggy (usually BF games are), and that the SP is more or less un-entertaining "cinematic"-style bait for attracting CoD players.
I'm glad I cancelled my preorder. Will be buying it later, when they have patched it, and maybe when I get a better graphic card :)

Im very tempted to preorder Skyrim. It looks like they have learned what to cut and what to improve, from Oblivion + there's the additional cool stuff and new animation system + there's a burlap map in the preorder versions :)

In the meantime, I can recommend the game "Sequence" on Steam. It's very entertaining and unique, and its also very cheap


Well-known member
Just finished the BF3 Campaign , it felt like a very linear cinematic experience , not enough stuff to shoot , but great visuals and immersion. I know that i'm going to get addicted with the multiplayer , ranking up and unlocking cool stuff .


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Can't join, this server is changing map, please try again soon.
Can't join, this server is changing map, please try again soon.
Can't join, this server is changing map, please try again soon.

Too many attempts to join, take it easy soldier!


Well-known member
tons of zombie/horror related things @ steam 40-80% price off until the 31st.

I picked up Amnesia (finally) and Killing Floor.


once upon a time designers didn't cater exclusively to console gamers and put at least a tiny bit of effort into porting console games to pc. then i woke up and realized that they don't give a **** and are just after my money so if they have to **** ME IN THE ASS TILL I BLEED TO DEATH to get it, meh too bad. :eek: