Gamers thread


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So I got AC3 and I just feel like theres a little TOO much room to roam.. I get lost contstantly. Anyone else having this issue? Or is it just bc im a girl lololol


Well-known member
At least you're not above asking for directions. :lol:
As for GotY... Well, I haven't played a ton, and I really wish I could have said XCOM or Guild Wars 2, but I'd probably have to go with Civ V's Gods and Kings expansion (that counts, right?) I haven't had as much time to play it as I'd like, but 4x games have grown close to my heart.

Did you enjoy the vanilla Civ V game more than Civ IV? I came in loving previous Civ games but had a hard time playing V. And it was a day 1 purchase for me. 4x game might convince me to give it another go.


Well-known member
Actually, Civ V is the first actual Civ I've played since Civ II (and I didn't play vanilla - a friend gifted me both the original and the expansion for my birthday), so I'm afraid I can't be of any help there, heh.


Active member
Playing Far Cry 3 atm and it's pretty good but a bit too easy (pc version btw) :p

and for the most time i play STALKER games and some older ones on PC, ps1/2 and gamecube... hehe i guess i'm stuck in the past playing older games :)


Well-known member
yay gamer thread!

I'm back in Skyrim at the mo, as the new dlc is out soon

Was hoping to enjoy the new mass effect dlc but given that everyone's saying its glitchy as hell, only 3 hours long and 1200 points, think I'll go without o_O
Playing Far Cry 3 atm and it's pretty good but a bit too easy (pc version btw) :p

and for the most time i play STALKER games and some older ones on PC, ps1/2 and gamecube... hehe i guess i'm stuck in the past playing older games :)

No way man! Some of the best games are on gamecube and playstation (1/2). Definitely my favorites and a helluva lot of nostalgia. Crash Bandicoot anyone?

Heard Far Cry 3 was pretty damn good.

Playing Witcher 2 currently. Only a little bit into it, but it's a load of fun so far. The story isn't really all that developed yet, but it's pretty engaging thus far.


Well-known member
I wish S.T.A.L.K.E.R was on consoles because I have a hard time playing with keyboard and mouse. I might have to get Far Cry 3. I like trying to play open world games on one life. It pulls me so deep into the game.


Active member
No way man! Some of the best games are on gamecube and playstation (1/2). Definitely my favorites and a helluva lot of nostalgia. Crash Bandicoot anyone?

Heard Far Cry 3 was pretty damn good.

Playing Witcher 2 currently. Only a little bit into it, but it's a load of fun so far. The story isn't really all that developed yet, but it's pretty engaging thus far.

:D yes agreed some of my fav games of all times are on those consoles and pc aswell and Witcher 2 i might buy that game after i'm done with Morrowind (with tons of mods) and Fallout 2... which may take a while XD


Active member
I wish S.T.A.L.K.E.R was on consoles because I have a hard time playing with keyboard and mouse. I might have to get Far Cry 3. I like trying to play open world games on one life. It pulls me so deep into the game.

Hey man yes i wish console gamers could play STALKER too but even if you have a hard time playing with keyboard you have to play Call of Pripyat with the Misery v2 mod (getting released soon).

It pulls me in like you said i almost wish there was a place like The Zone where someone like me could live :D. Also you can always play with a controller using Xpadder or DS3tool.
Am I the only one here who got completely bored of Skyrim? It's really hard for me to play it. The world isn't even all that interesting. Most of the gameplay takes place in dungeons and caves. Fighting dragons is fun.

It just seems like the entire game relies on the fact that the world is expansive. Every other aspect of gameplay is sacrificed for this huge world. Even with loads and loads (with additional loads) of mods, it's really stale.


Well-known member
I like getting lost in expansive and chilling like that. I liked that about Morrowind. How you literally could waist endless time inside a maze like town, looking for missions or books. I play trying to keep my guy alive, so hunting and immersing myself in the world in those ways is part of my fun.


Active member
Same i enjoy getting lost in games and exploring stuff rather than action packed games like most shooters these days.
Been playing Mega Man 9 the past two days and dayum is it hard. It's the first Mega Man I've played myself, although I do really like the series.

About to take on Dr. Wily's first stage for the tenth time. Mega Man should be called Trial-and-Error Man. Still addicting though, even though it's torture.


Well-known member
^MM9 was my first "classic style" mega man as well. That final stage is hell...

Been playing a lot of League of Legends lately. Also recently completed Bastion and highly recommend it.


Well-known member
I play mostly DOTA 2 recently. Most games I play with random people vs bots, because the mood is there not as hostile as in games vs other humans.
^MM9 was my first "classic style" mega man as well. That final stage is hell...

Been playing a lot of League of Legends lately. Also recently completed Bastion and highly recommend it.

I've heard about League of Legends and saw a bit of gameplay. Looks really fun.

The only problem is that the game looks like it has a World of Warcraft esque build strategy. Like there's only one perfect build for each class and if you don't use this build there's no chance. Is that how it is? Or is it better for unique builds?


Well-known member
I've spent too much money on games in the past few weeks thanks to that seemingly endless Steam sale. I've just been focusing on Resident Evil 6 and Guild Wars 2 atm.

Not buying any more games till I earn enough to preorder BioShock: Infinite if there's still time.


Well-known member
I play mostly DOTA 2 recently. Most games I play with random people vs bots, because the mood is there not as hostile as in games vs other humans.

I played LoL as my first moba and that really put me off for a long time :sad: But someone gave me a key for DOTA 2 and I'm loving it... terrible at it so far I get ganked by the bots... but still enjoying it :) Any hero's you found that are good to learn with? I have tried a few suggestions like the Drow Ranger and the Lich.. but so far Axe is the only one I've done well with.

Gaming is a big big hobby of mine, mainly PC but some console too. I normally like triple A titles like The Witcher 2 or say BF3 if I'm feeling competitive, but some indie type games have really got me hooked recently.

I'd recommend these highly

Don't stave This is such a cool little indie game..the graphics are low end but in no way bad, they have a unique charm to them. As for the game.. the clue is in the title. Your dumped into this strange world and the only advice given to you is to find something to eat before it get's dark. If you like anything like minecraft then you will probably like this

Don't Starve Trailer - YouTube

FTL The graphics on this are terrible, it reminds me of something I might of played back on the Atari :p But like don't starve it's another rogue-like game and highly addictive.

FTL: Faster than Light - Trailer - YouTube
Wrecked the crud out of Mega Man 9. I was persistent man. After a dramatic rage quit due to running out of energy for one of the special weapons on the Wily boss, I decided to go at it again. Completely dominated the last 3 Wily level's. All in one freaking life.

Whoo. Accumulated 9 lives by the end, which was a challenge apparently. Alrighty... now onto 10. :(


Well-known member
Any hero's you found that are good to learn with? I have tried a few suggestions like the Drow Ranger and the Lich.. but so far Axe is the only one I've done well with.

Well, I'd first play with bots against bots, and then with human players vs bots.

I guess that easy heroes to start with would be those, that don't have too much micro-management, are somewhat durable and don't require too much map awareness. Such as Ogre Magi, Slardar, Axe or Tiny.

All of the few games I won vs human teams was with Treant Protector. He's fun too, since he can heal up the towers of your team, protect anyone no matter where he/she is on the map, turn himself or others invisible and so on. But you don't get many kills.
Yesterday I played a few games with Wisp. That was a bit more complicated, since you had instead of the regular four skills a total of... seven or so? But it was fun, since you can teleport yourself and teammates around on the map.

But in general, I guess I like Morphling a lot (because he is versatile and hard to kill), Ogre Magi (because he is funn) and Clockwerk.