Im thinking of building a gaming pc but I know very little about it. Anyone know any good places to look to read up on it?
it depends on your budget , there are so many choices you can make but it just depend on how much you are ready to shell out , and what kind of machine you want .
There is a new range of GPU coming out soon , the GTX 6xx series , a whole new architecture , a killer . So maybe it would be a good choice not to invest in two GTX 580 now. I personally have a single GTX 470 and i can run all the games maxed out , it's discontinued but replaced with a slightly more powerful GTX 560. This card cost around 200$ . I don't suggest going any lower .
It's good to make your system future proof , so investing in a good Mobo and CPU is always good if you have the money , i'm personally sticking with intel and those
i7 2600k are a good choice . So make sure you get a motherboard that support your CPU , make sure it has the right socket , for example
LGA 1155 in that case
The ram is important as well but cheap these days so just check out what the motherboard you have chosen supports , is it Dual channel , Triple channel , 6 or 8 GB of ram is more than enough , you could even go with 12 GB, and i suggest you get 1333mhz ram or maybe 1600, you don't need more .
A good
power supply is a good idea , some cases comes with a power supply bundled but , i really don't suggest it . Stay away from those cheap plastic , noisy , dusty small cases , if you are going to put some nice parts in there you should get a decent case ,but that is just my opinion. I have a Coolermaster Cosmos and it's really quiet , it's soundproof , it's made of aluminum , its huge and spacey , and has dust filters .
A Coolermaster Cosmos vs a Cheap standard case
The good thing is that you can always upgrade a part , the GPU is usually the most upgraded part in a gamer's system and does not require any other changes if your power supply has enough wattage , upgrading a CPU sometime require changing the Motherboard to fit the different socket .
Don't forget about the Hard drive , SSD is not worth it yet , while it has greater read and write speeds it's just too expensive for it's capacity , yet , so just get a normal HDD , Western digital caviar series are good .
It's all about your budget , pips !