Gamers thread


Well-known member
So... Fallout 3 or New Vegas? Which is better, in your opinions?
I haven't tried New Vegas but if there's an opportunity to praise Fallout 3....

One of the best videogames I've ever playeeeeed!!!! XD

Sadly my Ps3 broke before I could finish it for the second time -_-


I haven't tried New Vegas but if there's an opportunity to praise Fallout 3....

One of the best videogames I've ever playeeeeed!!!! XD

Sadly my Ps3 broke before I could finish it for the second time -_-

They both seem very similar to me, except New Vegas has different enemies. I think. I wonder if Rage is gonna have that feel.


Active member
You should have never said that! Now that there are guys who know that you're a gamer girl, they're all gonna want to be your bf!!!

lol. I personally just think it's bad assed to meet girl gamers. If people seriously try to get with a girl because she's a gamer, they're just desperate, and it's kind of sad :D
So... Fallout 3 or New Vegas? Which is better, in your opinions?

Hard Choice, graphics wise on the PC I would say Fallout 3 but I love the weapons and the feel of New Vegas, specially when you get your hands on a hand cannon. The enemies in Fallout New Vegas are slightly harder imo aswell so depends what you want and what format you would be getting it on.
This is a good example of what graphics the next series of cards will be able to render in real time

Unreal Engine 3: Official Samaritan Demo - YouTube

We just need game devs to focus on PC hardware more , we're almost there .

2014 devs will start using this kit, next gen consoles are rumored to ship near the end of 2014 so we won't see this kind of eye candy till about 2015....

God I'll be old. Least I'll be able to run BF3 at 200+ FPS.


2014 devs will start using this kit, next gen consoles are rumored to ship near the end of 2014 so we won't see this kind of eye candy till about 2015....

God I'll be old. Least I'll be able to run BF3 at 200+ FPS.

Im kinda glad in a way. I was just now able to afford a console. Id hate to look up and see a playstation 4 and xbox 720 this Christmas.


Well-known member
So... Fallout 3 or New Vegas? Which is better, in your opinions?

New Vegas, so far as gameplay.
Fallout 3 for general storyline... although I like most of the side missions you can do in NV.

Also, in NV-- the more complex morality system and the whole... companions being immortal thing is pretty awesome too.


Well-known member
New Vegas, so far as gameplay.
Fallout 3 for general storyline... although I like most of the side missions you can do in NV.

Also, in NV-- the more complex morality system and the whole... companions being immortal thing is pretty awesome too.
Immortal? Hmmmm I have to try that.... once I finish the Deus Ex. I just started it today... I shouldn't choose always the hardest difficulty until the second time I play a game :p
New Vegas, so far as gameplay.
Fallout 3 for general storyline... although I like most of the side missions you can do in NV.

Also, in NV-- the more complex morality system and the whole... companions being immortal thing is pretty awesome too.

They're not immortal on hardcore mode, as I found out as I tried to storm a cave full of deathclaws with Cass and ED-E. After several failed attempts and a lot of saving and reloading, I just went in there alone with an anti-materiel rifle and cleaned the place out.

I also have to say... the New Vegas DLCs are a lot better than the Fallout 3 DLCs. A lot better.


Because of you everytime I go to college and hear people talking about videogames I try not to talk just in case someone starts talking about it and I say something about the "Lemur Revolution" XD

I'm all for the Lemur Revolution. I say we start by knocking over some practice countries to get a feel for it. How about Canada first? Those fool will never see it comin'.


Well-known member
They're not immortal on hardcore mode, as I found out as I tried to storm a cave full of deathclaws with Cass and ED-E. After several failed attempts and a lot of saving and reloading, I just went in there alone with an anti-materiel rifle and cleaned the place out.

I also have to say... the New Vegas DLCs are a lot better than the Fallout 3 DLCs. A lot better.

hehe~ I don't play hardcore mode - I'd rather have my ammo magically weigh nothing. I'm kinda wimpy ::p:
speech 100, guns 30 type of gal.

And I totally agree with you on the DLC's for NV.
Everything ties into the main story somehow and it all makes sense in the end. I like that alot.


Well-known member
The Battlefield 3 Beta is really fun , it's getting addictive for me , ranking up and unlocking some nice toys , and i have seem some footage of the Caspian border map and it looks even better , i think i'm preordering it , Rage will keep me busy until it comes out , and BF3 will keep me busy until Skyrim comes out !!!! WAHH


Well-known member
2014 devs will start using this kit, next gen consoles are rumored to ship near the end of 2014 so we won't see this kind of eye candy till about 2015....

God I'll be old. Least I'll be able to run BF3 at 200+ FPS.

Hehe , well i think those are the graphics i was expecting Crysis 2 , Skyrim etc to look like , so a pretty big disappointment to hear it will have to wait till 2014 , especially since the PC can already run that !

Right now i'm running Battlefield3 on LOW , and it looks pretty nice , and super smooth . But i want to play the campaign maxed out !
The Battlefield 3 Beta is really fun , it's getting addictive for me , ranking up and unlocking some nice toys , and i have seem some footage of the Caspian border map and it looks even better , i think i'm preordering it , Rage will keep me busy until it comes out , and BF3 will keep me busy until Skyrim comes out !!!! WAHH

I downloaded the beta yesterday, saw that it (for some reason) had a web interface and made me install a browser plugin, and I already wanted to delete it as hard as I could. Once I got into a game, I had no idea what was going on. I kept getting shot by some guy who was standing on a picnic table, firing what was presumably a .50 sniper rifle through bushes and crap. I got 7 deaths in a row from that one guy, no kills. Nobody ever killed him that round. I must have played for 45 minutes or so, died 22 times in total, only ever saw three enemies, and I think 2 of my bullets ever hit anybody, and I got no kills.

To their credit (the only thing I give them credit for), the default settings (I don't know what they were, never looked) seemed to tax my laptop the perfect amount. Not looking like crap, but not melting my video card, either.

Overall, it was not an enjoyable experience and I will not be purchasing their product upon release, or ever, for that matter. No surprise, being a game published by EA.

I will continue playing New Vegas and Arma 2 (also, Minecraft) until Skyrim comes out.


Well-known member
I had a very similar experience , upon installing the game , and playing it for the first time , getting killed at spawn so , i closed the beta and told myself , that's it ??

I somehow gave it another try out of boredom , and started to have some fun , and it started to go uphill from there . I hated the web thing at first but now i like it , its fun to follow your progress , see all your stats in detail and see all your unlocks , weps and stuff . I'm guessing the Retail version will not require you to log on to Origin .

But yeah everyone has a different experience , I'm usually not into war games at all , but this one got me.