funny question


Well-known member
but does the weather help your mood , it does mine if its cloudy or raining i feel down , if the suns out im like 5 times happier , does the weather affect your mood ....


Well-known member
The weather really does effect me, i wouldn't say my mood though. But when I have panic attack I get ten times hotter for some reason, so in the summer it just makes it so much worse :(
So i prefer when its very very cold. That makes me happy to see that its raining.


Well-known member
Yes. In fact I have a disorder called SAD which stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder... the seasons play a drastic role on my moods. Winter and Fall is like... hell on earth for me. I can barely get out of bed the depression is so bad... and the weather has a similar effect only in lesser degrees. Cloudy rainy days just make me feel so, so depressed and lonely.. but when the sun is out (and like this time of year when I know Spring is nearly here) I am way happier and can actually function. Maybe not fully, but way more so than other times. Just lucky it's a sunny day today otherwise I don't know what I would do. Heart break + rain I think would be a volatile mix for me...

Kanye West

Well-known member
For sure. I like the sun too but then I get pissed off because everyone is out and enjoying it with friends and I'm usually by myself.


Well-known member
Definitely! I find myself randomly smiling like a loon when walking down the street on a sunny day, whereas on dark, dreary days life just feels crap.


Super Moderator
Yes, kinda. I know I feel better when it's cloudy or rainy, I love rain. I'm a bit more grumpy on sunny days because I detest sun.


Well-known member
Yes. In fact I have a disorder called SAD which stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder... the seasons play a drastic role on my moods. Winter and Fall is like... hell on earth for me. I can barely get out of bed the depression is so bad... and the weather has a similar effect only in lesser degrees. Cloudy rainy days just make me feel so, so depressed and lonely.. but when the sun is out (and like this time of year when I know Spring is nearly here) I am way happier and can actually function. Maybe not fully, but way more so than other times. Just lucky it's a sunny day today otherwise I don't know what I would do. Heart break + rain I think would be a volatile mix for me...

Yes I was about to say that. Someone who my family knows has this, when they told me he had "SAD" I thought "Wow someone like me?" but yeah he has this condition.


Well-known member
Just last week we had sun all week up here. It really helps to lift peoples moods. Most people I saw were more cheerful. It helps me a lot. I'm not too keen on hot weather though, that can make me more anxious for some reason.


Well-known member
Winter usually makes me more depressed than summer. Rain makes me more depressed than sunny day. Darkness makes me more depressed than daylight.


Well-known member
When it's sunny and warm I am more motivated to clean for some reason....whereas if it's raining or snowing I want to sit on the couch and watch TV.


Well-known member
Yes I was about to say that. Someone who my family knows has this, when they told me he had "SAD" I thought "Wow someone like me?" but yeah he has this condition.

oh yea lol that's kind of funny actually because when I first came to this site and people were referring to Social Anxiety Disorder as SAD I was really confused because I only knew it as SA... and to me SAD was the Seasonal Affective Disorder so the first time I saw it I was like, "Oh I have that!" and then it was like, "Wait...what?" xD Anyway yea... it's not a fun thing to have. I basically sleep under a UV light all winter otherwise... well to put it bluntly if I don't have that treatment for it I would either end up dead from suicide or locked in a psych ward all winter. The Depression is so deep it's like... I can't even describe it. In fact it was due to this coupled with the SA that I lost my job, my dogs, my house, my husband.. my life... about 2 years ago. :(


Well-known member
Going on a walk outside when it's pouring is a rather neat thing to do. I only dislike cloudiness and rain if they stick around and prevent me from stargazing, but I can't notice much of a change in my mood. If anything, the extreme heat of summer irritates me most.


Active member
I hate the sun too =x I figured all SA people would. The way I figure it is in the daytime everyone can see everything about you, but at night ur cloaked in darkness. Thats why i love the night.

(PS rain doesnt have to be negative, think of it as a cleansing.)


Well-known member
I hate the sun too =x I figured all SA people would. The way I figure it is in the daytime everyone can see everything about you, but at night ur cloaked in darkness. Thats why i love the night.

(PS rain doesnt have to be negative, think of it as a cleansing.)

I love the rain... especially summer storms! I like the way it smells, as strange as that may sound... but still, I can't help but get depressed... I don't know if it's a chemical imbalance in my brain or what... what with having seasonal affective disorder and all... So I get rather mixed feelings. I try to enjoy rainy days but I think my body needs the sunlight more than the average person even...

And also I am afraid of the dark. I know it's a stupid phobia for a 26 year old to have... but I really am. Plus, as soon as the sun goes down I feel like 10 times more lonely.. I don't know why... but I hate it.

And weeeee 100 posts! I am not a newbie anymore bwahahaha