funny question


Well-known member
The weather for sure effects my mood. My favourite season is Winter. But I live in SoCal... winter isn't that bad. 50F or 10C is perfect for me. Usually it's 80+ or 27C.. which I absolutely hate. In Summer it gets up to 100+F 38C. That's way too hot! It's impossible to do anything in that kind of extreme heat. I get headaches, lose my appetite, my acne gets worse, It sucks.

I prefer cold weather with some rain and clouds. I think the dark stormy look is beautiful. The sun seriously bothers me. I seem to have more energy and be in a much better mood on cloudy/rainy days. And I get really depressed and irritated during really hot/sunny days. I'm also self conscious about my body, so I prefer covering up. I can't layer on clothes in Summer :(

This Winter I noticed that I started feeling depressed from it being cloudy and dark almosy every single day. So I guess too much of it can eventually effect me in a bad way. But most of the time, I love it!


Well-known member
It's totally normal that you feel happier in the sun! The light of the sun increases serotonin levels which are responsible for elevated moods. When there isn't any sun, your serotonin level probably isn't as high and your mood isn't as high either. Serotonin is also associated with wakefulness which is why we sleep at night and live our lives during the day. Very interesting stuff!

As Devrium has already stated, there is such thing as SAD and light therapy is used to treat/help it. I don't have SAD, but I find that when I'm feeling sad and I take a walk outside in the sun I feel much better. :D


Well-known member
The weather for sure effects my mood. My favourite season is Winter. But I live in SoCal... winter isn't that bad. 50F or 10C is perfect for me. Usually it's 80+ or 27C.. which I absolutely hate. In Summer it gets up to 100+F 38C. That's way too hot! It's impossible to do anything in that kind of extreme heat. I get headaches, lose my appetite, my acne gets worse, It sucks.

I prefer cold weather with some rain and clouds. I think the dark stormy look is beautiful. The sun seriously bothers me. I seem to have more energy and be in a much better mood on cloudy/rainy days. And I get really depressed and irritated during really hot/sunny days. I'm also self conscious about my body, so I prefer covering up. I can't layer on clothes in Summer :(

This Winter I noticed that I started feeling depressed from it being cloudy and dark almosy every single day. So I guess too much of it can eventually effect me in a bad way. But most of the time, I love it!

Yeah, I am like that! I can’t stand the hot weather, I like the look of autumn but winter is the kindest on my mood. I feel like I have more energy and can concentrate better in the cooler weather, but like drivemycar said, it would probably do us some good to get some more serotonin.
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well, i hate spring. it reallllllllly makes me feel uncomfortable. its so intrusive. i walk outside and get run over by five baby strollers and people are practically having sex in the street. there's something in the air, like a plague, everyone catches it and starts acting crazy. people expect me to go buy a pack of carrot seeds and plant them and tbh i'd just rather not.

although its nice to see new grass.


Well-known member
This thread reminds me of a conversation I had on the phone the other day...

MUM: How's the weather down there?
ME: Horrible
MUM: Really? How so?
ME: The sun is out.
MUM: *tut* My son, the vampire.

Well-known member
I can't stand the winter. I'd be quite happy if I never saw snow or a stormy day ever again. Even though summer can get annoying when you see "happy" people prancing about, I'd take it any day over a cold wet afternoon.

Summer is on its way so get ready for England's annual 2 weeks of "sunny intervals" ::p:


Well-known member
Cool, breezy, windy, rainy days make me feel a million times better while sunny, bright, hot days make me utterly depressed. It's part of the reason I'm so dreading the upcoming Spring & Summer days. I wish it were Autumn again & would stay Autumn forever.


Well-known member
I grew up in a state that has gray skies alot of the year, and it was depressing. However, I lived in Florida (the sunshine state) for 10 years too, and for someone with SA it's not much better. People think you're really wierd when you stay insided during such beautiful weather.