I think most people who are successful financially, and are doing well in this life have had a ton of support from their parents. They had their colleges paid for, jobs lined-up afterwards and also got chunks of money, sometimes huge ones, along the way to facilitate their success. If they need a place to stay the doors are open to them, if they need a car one is given, a loan, etc...
It is unfair in this world to have to compete with people who have No Idea what is like to not have that support.
Pretty much everyone I have know has had this safety net and it does mean advantages in life. Period. It means you can sleep easier, be happier, be better adjusted because life is being kind to you. You can see things working out for you and you have a future.
I have never had a future.
Try living without any of this support and see how far you get. Unless you have impressive strength of character and self esteem the world will eat you alive!
Some people have no idea how lucky they are. I have had to fight for everything I have and it does make me a bit touchy. I have had to deal with no support and it does make me hard to this world. I want to be softer and I am not allowed. I always have to fight for everything.
I am working hard again to change my life. I have had some really s h i t things happen to me in the last decade and I am just now getting back on my feet. I have huge dreams and plans and I won't let this oppressive system who favors some and leaves the rest of us to suffer take me down.
If you have a nice soft bed and food to eat and people who love you no matter what then, my friend, you have it all. The rest of us have to fight for it. If you have a good job and a healthy sense of self worth, you probably had a lot of people supporting you in this life to have those things and you are lucky.
My life has been bruises, splinters, and closed doors. No help, no open hearts and open arms. I have worked as hard as anyone, so it is not for lack of trying. Sometimes I just want to b i t c h about it and not be judged so harshly by people who don't know what it's like to feel this way.
I feel better now