For Older Jaded Members Only!


Well-known member
Warning: do not look here if you are not 40 or older. This thread is about the reality of age and no one wants to see the truth if it is not pretty, and the truth rarely is. I have spent a lot of time on this forum and there's no place it's ok to say after living so long which I have that Life Sucks! Probably posting my actual thinking mind will lead to me being banned, only time will tell.

Ok all you cynical and worn out 40 yr olds, (and over). I have decided we desperately need a place to be ourselves. :thumbup:

This is not the place for anyone who cannot relate to the above sentence in age or attitude-if you however decided to comment knowing this, and it is not depressing or cynical or jaded your comment will be removed!

**Freedom of speech and personal expression are needed in all forms and to be able to say when something sucks and not having people constantly challenge it is needed, too. Why does no one challenge someone when they say how great life is for example?**

I for one don't really like people and I want to be able to be free to say that! I have experience people in all shapes and forms and they are generally horrible. I have tried to play the game and it wasn't for me at ALL.

Please remember we all are humans on the human journey and not all journeys are the same.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Warning: do not look here if you are not 40 or older. This thread is about the reality of age and no one wants to see the truth if it is not pretty, and the truth rarely is. I have spent a lot of time on this forum and there's no place it's ok to say after living so long which I have that Life Sucks! Probably posting my actual thinking mind will lead to me being banned, only time will tell.
Eh. I'm 43, and while I won't say Life is Great, it has gotten better. I'm better at dealing with my depression. I'm a better judge of character, which is important. My anxiety isn't as crippling as it used to be. I can at least fake being normal in most casual interactions now. I am in general less confused, less angry, and more comfortable with myself.

I've slammed my head against what I used to think was an infinitely solid wall many times and over the years I've worn it down enough to see cracks in it. Some go all the way through.


Well-known member
Hey fellow over-the-hill one!

Welcome and ty for sharing. I think we should get Oscars for our ability to act by the time we are 40.

I think that is what depresses me the most about the world we live in is the Falseness of it all. Everyone trying soo hard to keep up with fake appearances.

I was diagnosed once with "Situational Depression" which is weird because the situation is the world we are forced to live in, that is causing my deep-seated sadness. I don't have any answers either on how to make the world a better place. They all sound like lies from a politician.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Hey fellow over-the-hill one!

Welcome and ty for sharing. I think we should get Oscars for our ability to act by the time we are 40.

I think that is what depresses me the most about the world we live in is the Falseness of it all. Everyone trying soo hard to keep up with fake appearances.

I was diagnosed once with "Situational Depression" which is weird because the situation is the world we are forced to live in, that is causing my deep-seated sadness. I don't have any answers either on how to make the world a better place. They all sound like lies from a politician.

Faking it is necessary, sadly. If you want to be able to eat and pay rent, it's generally a bad idea to let on at work that dealing with people freaks you out. Then you get labelled as either weak, mentally ill, or both. Any of the above will tend to get you put on a 'less viable/valuable employee' list. :eek:h: Even letting on how scared you feel makes trips to the same grocery store potentially even more uncomfortable, leading to more nerves, etc. It just pops up everywhere.

I'm not so ambitious as to attempt to change the world. The world is awfully big. I just try to work on me. :p

I will say that when I'm not having to deal with other humans, I'm often content and sometimes really having a great time. On occasion, those same things even happen when I'm with other humans! :eek:


Well-known member
I went into therapy as a teenager thinking it would make me normal. Looking back, I'm not sure what to say. It didn't make me normal. I am very isolated, and worried about old age. How will I grow old without any family to support me or even talk to me? I will be completely alone soon, once my surviving parent dies. I'm stumped. Even if I met someone and formed a relationship, I wouldn't know how to continue the relationship. I don't understand people or how to act around them. It isn't just anxiety. It's ignorance. No one taught me how to be social. I don't know how to do it.


Well-known member
Will someone please teach me how to multi quote? :(

LoL Nathaniel, I too feel so much better when I am all of this anxiety stuff goes away completely...go figure! I do feel lonely sometimes but it's never anything I cannot handle. I would love to be a hermit in the woods forever and never see a single soul again.


Well-known member
I went into therapy as a teenager thinking it would make me normal. Looking back, I'm not sure what to say. It didn't make me normal. I am very isolated, and worried about old age. How will I grow old without any family to support me or even talk to me? I will be completely alone soon, once my surviving parent dies. I'm stumped. Even if I met someone and formed a relationship, I wouldn't know how to continue the relationship. I don't understand people or how to act around them. It isn't just anxiety. It's ignorance. No one taught me how to be social. I don't know how to do it.

Hi Earthcircle,

I know how you feel about old age and not having been taught how to be social properly. You did fine with your post here and just so you know you can always talk to anyone of us here if you need a friend. I really don't know what "normal" is other than someone else's definition which I don't take to labels myself so for me, normal is actually really not something I aspire to. I would l like to have a relationship with another human that was genuine and had no falseness, of course they would have to love me and I love them the same. But there is for me little hope of that ever happening and it's not for lack of trying. I am settling for pets being my children and that is about all I have. Do you have any pets? They can add so much to your life, even proven to reduce anxiety. Plus they don't judge.


Well-known member
As Bob Dylan said "nothing really matters much it's doom alone that counts".

The only real answer in life is to stop looking for an answer because there is no answer.

We are merely animals on a spinning rock that is hanging in a void.

There is my depressing contribution to this thread for the day. :)
I think we should get Oscars for our ability to act by the time we are 40.

I think that is what depresses me the most about the world we live in is the Falseness of it all. Everyone trying soo hard to keep up with fake appearances.

I was diagnosed once with "Situational Depression" which is weird because the situation is the world we are forced to live in, that is causing my deep-seated sadness. I don't have any answers either on how to make the world a better place. They all sound like lies from a politician.

The only real answer in life is to stop looking for an answer because there is no answer.

We are merely animals on a spinning rock that is hanging in a void.

There is my depressing contribution to this thread for the day. :)
Ok, this is my new favourite thread :thumbup:

I despise how we are supposed to love living in a world where most of us have no real control over our lives. We have to act like well behaved robots to survive, and smile while we are being scr***d over by those few who run the countries we live in.

And if we dare mention this in public we are looked down on for not being "normal". :eek:mg:


Well-known member
Hi Earthcircle,

I know how you feel about old age and not having been taught how to be social properly. You did fine with your post here and just so you know you can always talk to anyone of us here if you need a friend. I really don't know what "normal" is other than someone else's definition which I don't take to labels myself so for me, normal is actually really not something I aspire to. I would l like to have a relationship with another human that was genuine and had no falseness, of course they would have to love me and I love them the same. But there is for me little hope of that ever happening and it's not for lack of trying. I am settling for pets being my children and that is about all I have. Do you have any pets? They can add so much to your life, even proven to reduce anxiety. Plus they don't judge.

Speaking of pets, I was just reading about how a vet locked himself in a hot car for 30 minutes to see what it was like. My father would do that to me out of spite, and wouldn't let me roll down the windows. The Bible says he's the head of the house, so it would be a sin to complain.

Anyway, I do have pets but they're in another country. I can't take both of them with me unless I have someone to travel with me, which is difficult because no one likes me. I really want to solve this problem.


Well-known member
Yay@ Blue Days! Come on in and grab a cup of joe. We are all friends here...I can picture us all now in the old peoples home playing bingo someday which actually doesn't seem so bad if I had some cool geezers around me like you guys :) haha

Earthcircle-Oh no.*hugs* I want to say i am sorry but I know it doesn't really help to hear that. Now that you're an adult have you confronted your Dad about his abuse?

Where are your pets?!


Well-known member
Yay@ Blue Days! Come on in and grab a cup of joe. We are all friends here...I can picture us all now in the old peoples home playing bingo someday which actually doesn't seem so bad if I had some cool geezers around me like you guys :) haha

Earthcircle-Oh no.*hugs* I want to say i am sorry but I know it doesn't really help to hear that. Now that you're an adult have you confronted your Dad about his abuse?

Where are your pets?!

He's dead. But the one thing you don't do is confront him. He would throw a fit and do as much damage as possible. But anyway, he did much worse than that. Everyone tells me he's in heaven now.


Well-known member
It's harder to get out the door for a run in winter mornings. Does that make me jaded? The thought of facing the people at work fills me with dread. Sometimes I feel like curling up in a foetal position and going to sleep and never waking up.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Will someone please teach me how to multi quote? :(

Ye mean, like, puttin' multiple quotes in a reply post? See that plus and speech mark button on the right-hand side, next tae the yin that says "Quote", aye? Press that tae quote multiple posts, then press the "Quote" tae included them in yer reply.

Right, that ma guid deed done fur the day. Ah'm offski coz, well... This thread isnae exactly age appropriate fur me. :bigsmile: Nae offense intended there, jist a cheeky wee joke.


Well-known member
It's harder to get out the door for a run in winter mornings. Does that make me jaded? The thought of facing the people at work fills me with dread. Sometimes I feel like curling up in a foetal position and going to sleep and never waking up.

Who the heck wouldn't have trouble running on winter morning? You are way to hard on yourself! As for not wanting to face people at work, been there done that!!


Well-known member
Ok, this is my new favourite thread :thumbup:

I despise how we are supposed to love living in a world where most of us have no real control over our lives. We have to act like well behaved robots to survive, and smile while we are being scr***d over by those few who run the countries we live in.

And if we dare mention this in public we are looked down on for not being "normal". :eek:mg:

The brainwashing starts with television that we see from the time we are infants. Then comes the mandatory brainwashing of public education and the voluntary brainwashing of higher education.

We are supposed to be happy slaves. And slaves we are! Slaves to money and slaves to the same biological urges that animals are.

If the average person would stop for just a moment and realize how much the system is stacked against them....well...there would be a lot more depressed and angry people. Lol.

The idea is to keep people just comfortable enough that they don't revolt but to keep them chasing the carrot on the stick that someday they may be free from the treadmill of modern life and to give them the hope that someday they may actually be a WINNER!

And television parades around all the WINNERS for us to drool over and dream about.

There is my rant for


Well-known member
The brainwashing starts with television that we see from the time we are infants. Then comes the mandatory brainwashing of public education and the voluntary brainwashing of higher education.

We are supposed to be happy slaves. And slaves we are! Slaves to money and slaves to the same biological urges that animals are.

If the average person would stop for just a moment and realize how much the system is stacked against them....well...there would be a lot more depressed and angry people. Lol.

The idea is to keep people just comfortable enough that they don't revolt but to keep them chasing the carrot on the stick that someday they may be free from the treadmill of modern life and to give them the hope that someday they may actually be a WINNER!

And television parades around all the WINNERS for us to drool over and dream about.

There is my rant for

wonderful contribution!