Finding out your crush has a bf/gf.


Well-known member
Oh my god ive been kinda depressing over this for a while.Theres this girl ive really liked for quite a while ive thought about her everyday for almost 2 years. Ive never said a word to her,she doesnt even know my name but I know a lot about her.

Now I swear im not a stalker so dont say that but shes goes to my bustop and shes in my morning homeroom.It sounds creepy but just from hearing her talk to her friends and that Ive kinda pieced her together,and shes exactly the type of girl I really want.

Now this girl doesnt actually have a boyfriend but she has a big crush on another guy and I now what guy it is. And I hate it because I want to be angry at this guy, but I just cant. I just couldnt compete with this guy if I tried.He always has a smile on his face,hes incredibly nice almost a saint, hes president of student council,hes basically the life of the party.Me im just nothing......

F@#k it hurts, especially since I see her every single day multiple times a day. We always want what we cant have ::(:
sorry for ranting nobodies probably even going to read it anyway haha:rolleyes:


Well-known member
You've only liked her for 6 weeks lol, it doesn't sound like you know her very well, so how do you know that other girls don't have this thing that she apparently does? You should give other people a chance, she's only one girl after all :]

I know how it feels though. None of the guys I've liked in the past, like really been attracted to, have felt the same way about me. I've only gone out with people who were nice enough (or so I thought) and made good company. It is easy to imagine someone you don't know as someone who is really amazing and a total dream. I've had loads of crushes on people and been upset when I realise nothing will become of it, but then they never really turn out to be who I thought. I had a major crush on someone I met a year ago at uni, we hit it right off and I got it into my head he liked me too and we'd be good together. But I barely had a conversation with him. I liked him for almost a year despite that. And for the mostpart, he had a girlfriend. They broke up a couple of months ago, but I don't know if he's still recovering or hurt by the relationship or if he wants to be single. On top of that, he pretty much ignored me when I tried to talk to him on Facebook. He wasn't what I thought. I think it's best to be friends with someone first and see what happens. Don't look for something, and generally it finds you.


Well-known member
Some of her hobbies include kissing, cuddling, doing things for the person she loves and having sex.

lol-- I'm sorry... was that really what her facebook profile said?
Kids these days really need a lesson in--fuuu----like... everything!
That's just wrong/hilarious/disgusting/hilarious again.


Staff member
the worst was when i was doing laundry one weekend

and i found a strange pair of men's underwear in my wife's things

just as i held them up, our 3 year old son walked in the room

he pointed at the underwear and said, "those are John's* shorts"

my name isn't John

*name changed to protect the innocent

Yup been there done that.

Wore the mug T shirt.

Can't really compare it to a crush having a bf/gf though, as that don't quite hurt in the same way. Afterall nobody betrayed you.


the worst was when i was doing laundry one weekend

and i found a strange pair of men's underwear in my wife's things

just as i held them up, our 3 year old son walked in the room

he pointed at the underwear and said, "those are John's* shorts"

my name isn't John

*name changed to protect the innocent

Thats pretty freakin screwed up, I'd rather be alone than be betrayed

A friend

Well-known member
"John" was the guy my wife had been sleeping with when i wasn't home

Disgusting. :mad:

I have another word to describe your wife's actions, but I will not state that here (too offensive).

I strongly apologize about that atrocious event you had to go through. I feel like vomiting when I read or hear something like that happening to a good person.


Well-known member
With all the guys I've sincerely liked, I guess I've been lucky because none of them had girlfriends (at least, not during the time I liked them). With the first two guys I liked, none of them really got g/fs until after I had already stopped crushing on them. The third one was my b/f, but then we broke up (rather recently, too).

There have been guys I thought were attractive and wanted to talk to them, but then the next thing I knew I saw them hugging and/or kissing on some girl, so that sucked. It wasn't that bad, though, 'cause it's not like I was drawn to them for more than looks.


Well-known member
I'd try to shirk off the slut-fiends and such. The coy ones. The ones with surreptitious, impure motives of getting rocks off, or receiving rocks, and slithering away after-the- fact to some other boulder quarry-- the strumpets.

Anyway, It helps to stave off disappointment by always assuming the worst about a potential contact. This is especially true when you might possibly have romantic intentions toward the proposed contact. And while you might initially be surprised and shocked by the sort of stuff people do, it is best to protect yourself from having to wade through such emotions by following my one rule:

Guilty until proven innocent.

This doesn't mean become a moralist or anything. Just think/imagine/suspect the worst of folks before/when you encounter them, so you aren't left open for emotional uppercuts. Keep this process internal also. As people prove themselves over time, then reward them with your considerable affections.

Lately, I have come to think of social reality (specifically as it relates to human interaction) as cheap sausage. You have all sorts of meats from varying animals, of varying ages, and of varying qualities/succulentness, and as we get smooshed through the grinder and into the intestine, we find ourselves in close proximity to other pieces of meat. Some of these meats aren't all that great. It sucks indeed if you are the unlucky sort to be paired up with some unsavory crappy meat, but take heart!-- Remember there are tons of meat morsels out there! Look above and below you. You are surrounded by other particles of meat, some of which might stand the test of taste, and you can then hope to meld with them so as to circle the wagons to repel the other meat already rife with putrefaction.


Well-known member
Of all the girls I had crushes on, I look back and wonder why? My choice of those to have crushes on was pretty poor.


Well-known member
I'd try to shirk off the slut-fiends and such. The coy ones. The ones with surreptitious, impure motives of getting rocks off, or receiving rocks, and slithering away after-the- fact to some other boulder quarry-- the strumpets.

Anyway, It helps to stave off disappointment by always assuming the worst about a potential contact. This is especially true when you might possibly have romantic intentions toward the proposed contact. And while you might initially be surprised and shocked by the sort of stuff people do, it is best to protect yourself from having to wade through such emotions by following my one rule:

Guilty until proven innocent.

This doesn't mean become a moralist or anything. Just think/imagine/suspect the worst of folks before/when you encounter them, so you aren't left open for emotional uppercuts. Keep this process internal also. As people prove themselves over time, then reward them with your considerable affections.

Lately, I have come to think of social reality (specifically as it relates to human interaction) as cheap sausage. You have all sorts of meats from varying animals, of varying ages, and of varying qualities/succulentness, and as we get smooshed through the grinder and into the intestine, we find ourselves in close proximity to other pieces of meat. Some of these meats aren't all that great. It sucks indeed if you are the unlucky sort to be paired up with some unsavory crappy meat, but take heart!-- Remember there are tons of meat morsels out there! Look above and below you. You are surrounded by other particles of meat, some of which might stand the test of taste, and you can then hope to meld with them so as to circle the wagons to repel the other meat already rife with putrefaction.

Haha I like that.....::p:


Well-known member
Anyway, It helps to stave off disappointment by always assuming the worst about a potential contact. This is especially true when you might possibly have romantic intentions toward the proposed contact. And while you might initially be surprised and shocked by the sort of stuff people do, it is best to protect yourself from having to wade through such emotions by following my one rule:

Guilty until proven innocent.

I pretty much abide by this nowadays. Even though it narrows down your choices a LOT, it filters out the people you shouldn't be messing with anyway.
My first girlfriend in high school, upon meeting her, seemed like the nicest, sweetest, most innocent person. Once I got to know her, I come to find out she'd already slept with several guys (she was only 17 at this time by the way) and had quite a few other nasty habits. She was like a totally different person from when I initially met her. It was a shock to me because I was never exposed to nor did I care for that sort of behavior.

I've come to see that with other people I've met too. They seem innocent when you meet them someplace like school, but then you'll see them at a party or something of the like and it's a totally different picture. And it's pretty disheartening.
I have a crush on someone and if I find out she has had a boyfriend/girlfriend for the duration of my smitteness,then I will slaughter both of them,hopefully while they are blissfully canoodling in bed is my right under the Italian "crimes of passion" laws.

I have not decided whether I would casually shoot from the hip or become more involved with delivering multiple frenzied hittings from an axe.


Well-known member
Through high school, I never really had that many crushes. Only a select few. And with the last one, well, that was... interesting...

Two years ago, when I started my culinary class, I met a guy who was pretty similar to me. At first I didn't care for him, because he had kind of a big ego, liked to show off a bit. Well, a couple of months later, we found out we had the same interests. And I mean, the same exact interests. We loved the same bands, got into the same type of music, we both loved computers and just talking about them, we loved cooking, and he was quite book smart. So for the next two months, we hung out quite a bit in class. We always talked, recommended bands, whatever. He would constantly flirt with me and sometimes touch me, and while I didn't exactly flirt back, but I was friendly. I just took it. It felt good to actually find someone who had the same interests I did and actually liked me back, so it made talking to him easier.

And after all that "fun", one day I come to find out, he already had a girlfriend. He had been dating her for a few months now. I was pretty much used to just fool around with. Not only did it hurt, but I was pissed, and pretty depressed.

I think it was a day or two later after finding out, I was in the kitchen and had gone to the storage room to grab something. He decided to follow me in there, sneak up on me, and grab me from behind on the shoulders and whisper in my ear. I think he said, Hey or something, but at this point I was too pissed to even listen. I shrugged him off, told him not to touch me, and walked away. Then he pretty much ignored me for the rest of the year, just like that, no questions asked. :rolleyes:

I feel pretty stupid about it still, that I wasn't cautious at all, I just let my guard down. I didn't even read between the lines, of him constantly flirting with me, but never asking me out. Never even gave me his number. Only added me and talked to me on Facebook. *head desk* (Such an idiot I am) But yeah, haven't really had much of a crush since though.