and il be set with a jd n coke woop woop....jeez i hope it takes the edge off, n i hope my train is empty! il freak out if its busy lol
Is that the can's of jd and coke?!! they are awesome!!!
and il be set with a jd n coke woop woop....jeez i hope it takes the edge off, n i hope my train is empty! il freak out if its busy lol
aweeeesome!! Have fun fifegurl and Scotlaaaand!
I hope you two will have fun!!!, i bet you will
because you seem really close, and that's all you need in a great friendship
Keep us updated how it was!!!
I wish we could have a big SPW party! , lol!
That would be soooooooooo cool, but we all live in another side of the world!
good luck to both of you =]
Fife Girl is Lovely....I cant wait to give her a big hug
The Gay Bar is going to be interesting!!!
YouTube - Electric Six - "Gay Bar" (Hi Res)
Haha so you guys are going to a gaybar??! That's cool!!!
Are you into boys, scottish?? or are you just going ther for fun??
I never been into a gay bar, I think it's fun ::
Haha so you guys are going to a gaybar??! That's cool!!!
Are you into boys, scottish?? or are you just going ther for fun??
I never been into a gay bar, I think it's fun ::
It will be fun being in the gay bar, im open minded like that, going into gay bars
they aint fun at night... i find them very judgemental so going on thursday should be fairly quiet
hope scottish enjoys himself...will be funny if he gets chatted up by a guy haha
Fifie Girl, Im very sure i will enjoy myself and if i do get hit on by a guy i will simply be polite and say"Im straight not gay mate".
I didnt think gay bars would be judgemental(at night anyway), how so??
can be sometimes be filled with 'angry lesbians' as well lol