Favourite exercises?


From doing some weights which I find it can become boring and unmotivating at times, I decided to do something new and that's to go for a jog. Doing exercise out in public has always been a huge problem for me, but with a lot of stress on myself and medical reasons, that was enough to force myself into this challenge and never felt so good. Breaking up that sweat in the sun was an awesome feeling and has become a new hobby.

So, what exercises do you enjoy most? What motivations made you go for it?
Activity for me has to be with a purpose rather than exercise for exercise sake; walk somewhere pleasant and interesting and/or to get something; a swim and snorkel in the ocean (hate doing pool laps - boring); bike ride along the river or to/from work; manual work around the home


Well-known member
Just stretching. Does that count?:D
Hah, I think it is really good that you're getting more physical if you're stressed. It helps tremendously and you're even fighting your anxiety to jog in public. Something I still avoid. I'll stop if somebody sees me, so my jogs consist very awkwardly of stop's and go's. I've been contemplating waking up early so I can go before anyone else it out.
My motivation is just my concern, like you said health. Sometimes I get so lost in my head, I neglect my physical existence and that isn't very healthy.

just wanna b normal

Well-known member
i love jogging not in the sun tho i do it at night cuzz i cant wake up early in the morning. plus its good for the heart, body & mind. especially when you stress or just take a walk. also ive read exercises like running can help you grow taller.
I admire anyone with SA who can jog/exercise out in public:)
Got myself a treadmil ages ago so I can do it while still hiding in my house.::eek::
Although I do it for good health as already mentioned, it does help take the edge off the depression sometimes.


Well-known member
Skipping rope,deadlift,dumbbell snatch if I didnt eat to much junk I could get really fit :D.
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Just G

Well-known member
It's cold as hell here in Tennessee, but when it's warmer and prettier outside I love to go walking and running.

When I reach complete boredom, I do variations of push ups, pull ups, and sit ups to pass the time in my room.


Well-known member
5 days a week(mon-fri) i do 45 minutes of exercise, 30 min on the elliptical while my fav tunes or fav show is playing (i don't enjoy it so it is great to have the distraction during), and i do 15 minutes of arm weights, push ups, crunches on the ball, pilates leg stretches, and end with a yoga pose, haha seriously i do.. it amuses me to end with that.. kind of like yes... it is done!::p:
I never feel like doing it, but when i am done i am glad i did as it always helps my mood and energy levels!
So i guess none of that is my fav as i don't like it... but i do love to dance and i bought a pair of skates recently, and i do love long walks on nice days!


Well-known member
martial arts :D

was in the gym recently and was practicing muay thai in the side room ( open area with wooden floor ) turned around and there was like 8 people watching me . . . not cool


So, what exercises do you enjoy most? What motivations made you go for it?

Weirdly enough I joined the gym with the intension of doing mainly resistance and weight training.But I fell In love with doing Cardio and running especially.

I'm currently not as active as I would like to be.But I use to love running a few miles,till my body was at breaking point.I think it's so motivational and rewarding to see your times improve and stuff.Also while It did not help my anxiety much it really helped with the depression.


Well-known member
I love weightlifting except, I am not strong at all. I guess if the love of it holds up for a few months, that can change.


Well-known member
I don't really have a favorite exercise. I do different things throughout the day. 10 minutes of running and power walking on the treadmill, 10 minutes on the elliptical, 10-20 minutes of swimming, 10 minutes of weight lifting and stretching, and 10-20 minutes of kickboxing. I do these things throughout the day so I don't wear myself out and if I'm still feeling energetic I try to do 10 to 20 minutes of more exercise.
I like to keep myself busy ::p:


Well-known member
I got back on the rowing machine on Thanksgiving morning.

It was awesome!

Why have I been such a slug the last few months?

Anyway - rowing is great. If you want a good workout, you should try it!


Well-known member
Around my house there is a levy dirt track and a road w/ no sidewalks. I decide to run on the road w/ no sidewalks rather than the levy because everyone else runs on the levy and I don't like passing people there. A lot of people expect to say hi and i don't like talking to strangers, especially in mid-jog. So on the road i have to deal with dodging traffic and public in the cars and sometimes people walk. I've noticed the more I've done it, the less it bothers me being around the people and I've kind of gotten used to it and don't care about what people think as much. For any of you who totally avoid jogging out in public, it's not worth it to avoid jogging just to avoid being around people. It's not weird to jog, tons of people do it. And you don't even have to have conversations w/ people.


Push ups, pull ups, leg raises and ab work, as well as general resistance training. I also enjoy swimming. I am hoping to do a triathlon next year if I can get fit enough for it.