My guy friends are OBSESSED with My Little Pony. It kind of confuses me... haha.
Some take it to scary extremes (dedicating their entire online creative presence to it), but I for one can say that I like it because it's innocent and adorable but not to a extend that it becomes obnoxious (like the first 3 generations of My Little Pony were), yet is also perfectly able to pull some genuine laughs out of me.
Haha, I have watched a couple episodes and it wasn't bad, it did have some funny parts. But in the shows defense for the first three generations, it was a show geared to 5-10 year old girls.
Wasn't the 4th too? ;P It was my understanding that the only reason it came out as well as it did was because Hasbro gave near-full creative freedom to the creators, and with cartoon geniuses such as Faust on board, that can really go one way. Not hating on the first 3 generation, though, animation is hard to create regardless of how you go about the concept. It's just that I personally can't help but feeling being utterly brainwashed watching something that is too cutesy.