Exercise fights Anxiety


I agree with Chloe.. exersize is only a temporary fix, it does make u better, but the feeling goes away and then you're back to your old f up self, but it's better to do it out of obious reasons, and right now im out for a jog! :)

jogging is good but it can cause hypoferremia...im training 6 days a week it does help a little but it will be not even close to recover from social anxienty/phobia this way...


Well-known member
Like others have said, has helped control/reduce depression tremendously but with anxiety not so much.


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What helps the most is when your body changes,that will give you a bit of confidence,I lost around 20 kilos and put on some muscle,I want to be around 70 kg,which I am now,I am feeling stronger than ever,also its good to feel on control of your body and sometimes to be able to eat things and not feel guilty.
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Well-known member
The best remedy i've found is to have your funny bone tickled. There's nothing to release some stress and tension than a good ol comedy or stand up. Maybe pair that up with going on the treadmill.

Another way to combine comedy and exercise is turning the music up and dancing like a maniac.


Well-known member
I've tried that... I did loose weight, my bp and cholesterol came down, but the anxiety and depression still remains high. I was working out and walking about 8 miles a day. I couldn't do allot of cardio because of the chronic asthma, which limits my activity level.


I love running. Sometimes i run through and around the park normally for an hour or so with my ipod in.. i should run more, at one time i ran everyday.
Exercise helps also in my case :) It's funny because when I start running I am really concerned about people looking at me.. but after a while this feeling goes away and I just don't care about others.. :D


Well-known member
i ride a bike every day, it definitley helps, my doc said that exercise increases the serotonin levels in the brain, which make you feel happy! :)


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I run up to 50 miles (70km) per week. Running has really expanded my life, and I have lived some wonderful days through runnning.

The flip side with running is that I have to interact with the world of people, and with severe anxiety this is hard. And to be honest I've been an emotional mess after some misunderstandings caused by my anxiety.

Running enhances my quality of life, but it hasn't cured my anxiety.


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Ja, when I set out on a long walk I pray I don't run into anyone I know and that no strangers talk to me. But near the end of the walk I've stopped worrying and if someone does talk to me I handle it better than I do at the start of a walk. Sometimes I'll even be the one to say hello first, whereas early in the walk I'll be looking out for people to avoid.


Well-known member
Yeah, this is very true. I'm so lazy though, it's so hard for me to get myself to work out. I've been doing it a lot lately, though. I got Wii Fit and it's actually kind of fun.