*Dudes* Post your pics.....


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Re: gleaghdfgew

fine... stickler sallyyyy :rolleyes:


both of ussss, togethhhherrrr

That is a fantastic picture.

Lost Girl

Well-known member
Re: guys!!!!!!!!!!

I think everyone looks great, but I gotta say I don't understand why a few of your boys are complaining that your pics didn't receive comments?? I mean sure, they are nice to get, but that isn't what its all about, is it? It's your own choice to put your pic up, and I'm sure everyone appreciates it, but don't get hung up on the fact that no one has commented on it, please. sheesh kebab.


Well-known member
Re: guys!!!!!!!!!!

This is going to seem weird, but I LIKE YOUR NOSE! :p

No one has ever said anything about my nose before, haha. This is surprising 'cause I always think my nose is too big and I hate it, but if you like it, then I guess it's not too bad after all :p Thank you ^_^


Well-known member
Re: guys!!!!!!!!!!

No one has ever said anything about my nose before, haha. This is surprising 'cause I always think my nose is too big and I hate it, but if you like it, then I guess it's not too bad after all :p Thank you ^_^

Have you seen my nose?

I just find noses like yours attractive and thought I would share. :) So yer welcome.


Well-known member
Re: guys!!!!!!!!!!

Have you seen my nose?

I just find noses like yours attractive and thought I would share. :) So yer welcome.

Well I'm looking at your avatar and your nose seems perfectly fine to me! And I'm not just saying that because you just complimented me, I really mean it!


Well-known member
Re: guys!!!!!!!!!!

hippiechild: lovely pic man

Newtype: you do look like your avatar, oddly enough.

Newtype & Pookah: Your noses work very well with your faces.

*steps off box*
Re: guys!!!!!!!!!!

I think everyone looks great, but I gotta say I don't understand why a few of your boys are complaining that your pics didn't receive comments?? I mean sure, they are nice to get, but that isn't what its all about, is it? It's your own choice to put your pic up, and I'm sure everyone appreciates it, but don't get hung up on the fact that no one has commented on it, please. sheesh kebab.

The reason that I think people are saying such, as I admit I did, is that it makes you feel down. That is you put up the picture, and then when no one seems to say anything about it etc, it feels like you are being looked over, which in my case happens to much. Its depressing.
Re: guys!!!!!!!!!!

Exactly... Not gonna lie, it does feel a little bit depressing since it's easy to feel somewhat left out and ignored when it seems like you're being looked over when almost everyone gets some sort of positive comment. It's okay though - I was just pointing out to M1tch that I didn't get any comments on my pictures on the first page.

With that said, here's another pic of me:

You look a little like one of the actors I've seen on TV... Hmm... let's see... Can't recall his name though. Probably a local actor. Good job man on the friendly smile and being daring enough to post up a picture. Haha... I myself wouldn't dare to do it.


Well-known member
Re: gleaghdfgew

Zomg cute. =^_^=


That is a fantastic picture.

hippiechild: lovely pic man

Newtype: you do look like your avatar, oddly enough.

Newtype & Pookah: Your noses work very well with your faces.

*steps off box*

That's a great pic hippie!

Aw, very nice to see your face Hippie :)

And a lovely picture!

::eek:: THannnnnkkzzz

My baby meow cat and adorable huppopotamus sister make it great.. thank goodness for them, not sure what I'd do otherwise :D